Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Week 11 Bumpdate

Harper photo bombing.

September 16, 2014

Baby's Size: Baby is the size of a lime, about 1.6 inches long.  Tooth buds, hair follicles and nail beds are forming.

Weight Gain: I'm back down to my starting weight again.  That's after time at the beach indulging in ice cream and delicious food.  My weight has been fluctuating so much this whole first trimester!

Maternity Clothes: Loving my stretchy jean shorts.  I'm wearing pants that I typically wear with a belt and they fit nicely.  I haven't worn any of my tighter fitting shorts lately, but I have a feeling I would have to pull out the hair tie trick in order to get them to fit.

Sleep: I typically wake up around 3:30 am to use the restroom.  I haven't been quite as exhausted and even skipped a nap 4 different days, not by choice, but I made it through the day okay.  I had a dream one night that I went for my 12 week appointment and when the doctor did the ultrasound I looked over and thought, the baby is so adorable.  But then did a second look and realized the baby looked like a dog.  The doctor then said, "Congratulations, you are having a dog!"  I was so disappointed and told the doctor I didn't want another dog.  I hated that I would have to wait another 9 months to try and have a baby again.  It was a weird dream, but pregnancy dreams typically are!

Symptoms: We spent most of the week in Florida and I felt really good during the trip.  I was a little bit worried because I felt so good during week 10.  So far when I've had a good week, it's followed by a rough one.  Lucky for me this week was another good week.  I didn't feel nauseous until the day we flew back and started to worry I was going to throw up on the plane.  Thankfully I didn't.  Our first day home I was miserably nauseous and threw up first thing in the morning.  Carter was in our bedroom, heard me, yelled "mommy, mommy!", and came running with cars for me to play with while I threw up.  When I was finished he spit in the toilet, silly little guy!  I was also exhausted and Thomas suggested that I felt so terrible from the traveling because as he said, "I feel really tired after traveling when I'm not pregnant."

Running: I ran 10 miles last week so I could skip out on a long run while in Florida.  I didn't run further than 3 miles all week and it was nice.  I got the chance to run on the beach 3 days during our trip and it was amazing.  It was so freeing and wonderful.  There's something about running barefoot on a surface other than pavement that makes you feel one with nature.  My weekly mileage was 15 miles.  I also had the chance to go to a Barre class Amanda taught the day before we left for Medeira Beach.  I was a bit nervous I would be super sore and struggle with running for a few days, but I wasn't.  There definitely was a bit of soreness, but it wasn't anything more than when I first start back on planks.  Which I need to get my booty in gear and start back up this week!

Food Cravings: Macaroni and cheese.  I don't care what kind.  It can be fancy restaurant style mac and cheese or nasty boxed mac and cheese.  I want it all.  On our trip I suddenly had to have some mac and cheese and there were those little containers you just add water and stick in the microwave left in the beach house from the previous renters.  I made one and it was the most delicious thing!

Food Aversions: Smoked meat/barbeque in general just isn't going to happen at all this pregnancy, I get the feeling.  I was able to eat eggs in a breakfast burrito during our trip.  The thought of eggs and seeing them still makes me nauseous, but I poured a bunch of salsa on top of them and rolled them up in a tortilla.  As long as I couldn't see them, they were fine.  I've figured out that sandwich meat just grosses me out when it's heated up because it smells so strongly.  So I heat it and walk away until it cools and stops having such a strong odor.  I've only been able to make it through half a sandwich, but that's fine with me.  Spinach is one of my favorite foods.  I absolutely love throwing it in all kinds of things.  Spinach in grilled cheese sandwiches, spinach on pizza, spinach instead of lettuce, spinach in tomato soup, spinach in mac and cheese.  I'll put it in anything.  So I've been in denial for weeks that I just can't eat it.  It turns my stomach and makes me sick.  I keep hoping it's temporary and try it each week.  Finally I'm accepting the fact that it's a no-go food for me right now.  Every time I try it chunks rise into my throat, so I'm over it.  I won't be trying it again for a while, or a week, who knows!

Movement: So excited to see movement during our ultrasound on Monday.  It will be even better when I can feel it and then when Ty and Carter can feel it!

Best Moment of the Week: Our trip to Florida was amazing!  Leina bought Carter a souvenir shirt and then said we should get a onesie for the baby because the baby was on the trip too.  It was so cute and made me giggle.  We didn't actually get a onesie, but picturing our future baby wearing it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  Every time I feed Jake a bottle when he's at our house I get so excited to nurse a baby again.  I keep picturing a little newborn in my arms and I get giddy.  I still can't quite believe we're pregnant.  Come on belly, start showing so this feels real!  

Currently Loving: That we have an appointment on Monday and we'll get to see the baby again.  With Carter our doctor told us we were safe to share the news after our 12 week appointment, so I'm also looking forward to finally spilling the beans!  Although I haven't been as antsy to share the news this time around.

Miss Anything: I had a day where I was really emotional and was sure I had harmed the baby by eating Eggs Benedict for breakfast.  I didn't realize until after I ate it that there were eggs in the Hollandaise Sauce (because someone told me) and I panicked that the eggs may not have been heated up enough.  That made me miss being able to eat things without panicking and worrying that I caused my baby harm.

What Big Brother is Up to This Week: Carter saw the ocean for the first time and it was a hit!  He enjoyed all the extra attention with 6 adults to 1 child.  Today he was saying "Baby... Mommy" and I'd say, "Yes, mommy has a baby in her belly."  It's fun to see him start to understand a little bit more and/or verbalize what he hears us say.  My Week 11 Bumpdate with Carter.
Harper was determined to be in a picture.
Carter woke up late and Ty needed to leave.  Carter still wanted to be held so he threw himself down and held my foot!

This is a cool picture and I feel like you can tell the size of my belly really well.