Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wordless Wednesday

Jeremy Update:

Today was a big day for Jeremy. Jeremy has been weaned off the pentobarbital. It will remain in his system for 15-50 hours as his body burns through it. They removed the shunt in his head which was used to decrease the pressure in his brain. That was huge as they had mentioned at one point there was a possibility he may need to have an internal shunt for the rest of his life. They also took out his central line and disconnected the Zoll machine which had previously been regulating his temperature. An occupational therapist, speech therapist, and physical therapist all stopped by to see him as they will be providing him services when he is ready. They went ahead and sat him up on the edge of the bed and then put him in a chair to help him begin to regain his abdominal muscles after laying flat for over 3 weeks. At one point Jeremy placed his hands together and my dad moved them apart only to have Jeremy move them right back together again! I am hopeful that as the pento wears off he will begin to speak. I would love to hear his voice!

Elise crawled over by Carter so he handed her a book and they read side by side.

Elise thought it was great fun to pull up to a stand on the kitty littler box at Jeremy's house.

Carter loves playing with Mr. Jones.

We enjoyed a Mitten themed storytime.

We enjoyed a Mitten themed storytime.

Carter made some friends at storytime.

Carter playing with Elise's new Elmo doll.

We enjoyed a new game sent from friends.

Carter enjoyed trying on hats at Uncie J's house.

My little helper, haha!

Elise eating zucchini for the first time.


  1. Get down from that tree! Get down from the ladder back of the chair at kitchen sink! Did we really need to dump out all the crayons?! We do not stand in the rocking chair! Whew! My work is done, I feel better now having said all that!! :)

    1. Haha, he's a mess, isn't he! I swear every time I turn around he's up to something! And little miss Elise won't sit down for the life of us!
