Monday, January 25, 2016

Jeremy Update

Great news, Jeremy's surgery went really well today! He now has a rod in his leg and a few screws to hold it in place. His ICP started to go up a little bit at the start of the surgery so they moved his bed up to more of an incline and he had no trouble after that. He is now down to 1.25 mg/kg/hr of pentobarbital. I figured with the stress of surgery they wouldn't be able to decrease it at all today, so I was pleased with that. During a suctioning this morning he was actually trying to raise his arm to push them away, he just couldn't quite get his arm up. It's neat to hear that he's starting to function a bit and is reassuring that he was able to move his arm as that leads us to believe he is not paralyzed. The arm he was moving is controlled by the side of his brain where most of the damage occurred. This morning my mom and I were discussing the surgery a little bit before she left to go back to the hospital. A little while later Carter told me he felt nervous. When I asked him why he said, "I'm nervous for Uncie J's surgery." I felt the same way but was surprised to hear Carter say it as my mom and I hadn't discussed our feelings at all. I spent the first half of the day anxiously awaiting news on Jeremy's surgery and the second half in jittery excitement over the good news, so this update is all I've got for you today.
Another fun memory on timehop, me and Jeremy heading out for a run 6 years ago today.

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