Saturday, January 30, 2016

Jeremy Update

Today was Jeremy and my dad's birthday. Carter picked out cupcakes and balloons to take up to Jeremy's room and I pulled out a birthday banner to hang up. We shared cupcakes with his nurses and the staff who have helped with his recovery. We are so grateful for the part each of them have played in him making it to his 32nd birthday! Thomas and my mom both played him lots of Bob Dylan, his favorite musician, throughout the day. When I visited him in the afternoon I noticed he is moving his eyebrows more and when he coughs he now opens his mouth as though he is attempting to push air through his mouth rather than his trach. He really likes to have his hand held and I love that. When he raised a hand I would hold it. When he'd fall asleep I'd let go so when he woke up he'd put his hand up again. When I let go of his hand to leave he squeezed onto it and didn't want me to let go. Tonight when I arrived to spend the night with him he was looking over at the balloons we got for him. When I held his hand while he was awake he would squeeze my hand and if I started to pull my hand out he would squeeze harder. In my mind it's one bit of comfort when his entire body is in pain. I wish I could do more but it's nice knowing I can now do something that he enjoys. Dad's birthday celebration just wasn't the same without Jeremy. I missed hearing the exchange of dad asking what his favorite birthday present ever was and Jeremy excitedly saying, "Me!" We've decided we will be celebrating mom, dad, and Jeremy's half birthdays in July when they can all enjoy it. I even found a 1/2 candle at Target which will be perfect for the celebrations. I look forward to hearing Jeremy's voice then and watching him blow out his candles! Until then we are celebrating his life and continued journey every single day. It is such a gift to have him still here with us and we are so grateful!
Jeremy's balloons Carter picked out for him.
Jeremy's candles ready for this summer.


  1. His poor scabbed hand! Love that picture, thanks for sharing it!! Keep it up Jeremy!!

    1. And his hand looks better than anything else! You can't quite imagine how many scrapes and sores he actually has! He must be in so much pain, but he's toughing it out!

  2. Y'all holding hands brought happy tears to my eyes. Xoxo

    1. I can't get enough. I miss him like crazy when I don't get a chance to go visit!
