Saturday, January 23, 2016

Jeremy Update

We have another stable day in the books, my friends! Today was quite the exciting day. Jeremy's pentobarbital was decreased down to 2.25 mg/kg/hr which puts him coming out of the coma in about 3 days or so. Ortho has scheduled his femur/pelvis surgery for Monday! We are all so excited he is stable enough to have that surgery as he desperately needs it. There had been discussions about possibly doing surgery at certain times before, but this time they had my parents sign consent for anesthesia and scheduled the surgery and everything. The neurosurgeon is quite pleased with how well Jeremy is doing and has been more upbeat and excited when he comes to visit. Today while my parents were visiting Jeremy opened his eyes multiple times while they were talking to him. I'm spending the night tonight and was disappointed to see his eyes taped shut as I was hoping to get to see him open his eyes, even though he's not yet looking at things or focusing, but they were getting dried out because he had them only partially opened. I'm excited for them to keep chipping away at his pentobarbital! It won't be long before he is awake and we enter a new phase in his recovery.


  1. Please know that we have added Jeremy to our prayer list at church and will continue to pray for Jeremy and all of you! Please tell your parents that we are thinking of them, and if there is anything they need or we can help with, to let us know.

    1. Thank you, Sherry! That is very sweet. We appreciate you!
