Sunday, January 31, 2016

Jeremy Update

Not much to report today. Yesterday Jeremy was quite responsive and acknowledged when people were talking by looking at them. Today he wasn't responsive and didn't look at us or make eye contact much at all. He was, however, moving his body parts and facial muscles a lot more. He was turning his head from one side to the other, arching his back, moving his legs, and lifting his arms. We did the moves the physical therapist showed us and he grimaced and showed his displeasure. His nurse suggested he was working with a different part of his brain today and that was why we were seeing different behaviors. I noticed when he was sleeping he would make faces almost as though he was dreaming. Thankfully even though he wasn't responsive with his eyes or his face, he still enjoyed holding hands and even squeezed harder today than he had yesterday. The plan is for him to be moved to an acute care facility tomorrow as he is stable enough that he no longer needs the 2:1 patient to nurse ratio from the ICU. No confirmation has been made that he will actually move as we are waiting for the move to be approved by insurance, so we will see what happens tomorrow.
This picture popped up on my timehop from Jeremy and dad's birthday 10 years ago.