Saturday, January 16, 2016

Jeremy Update

Today was a really good day. Jeremy's ICP spikes were only up to 13. He was able to be laid down and bathed without his ICP spiking up. His bed had been at a 43 degree angle to keep his head up as his ICP would spike up when he was lowered. Since he was doing so well today they were able to move him down to 35 degrees and he is tolerating it really well. They didn't decrease his pentobarbital at all today per doctors orders. The nurse tonight said the doctor will be rounding early in the morning and she thinks she will give the go ahead to start decreasing his pentobarbital again. He's currently still getting 4.5 mg per kg of body weight which is a lot! He has been hooked up to a Zoll which regulates his body temperature but he has been able to regulate that himself so they left it hooked up in case they need it and just turned it off. We are all feeling really good about where he's at right now and are excited with his progress. We are looking forward to him coming out of the coma but are also apprehensive to see what effect the brain damage will have on his personality and functioning. After such a positive day my parents treated us all to ice cream. We've been going over to Jeremy's house to feed his cats and keep them company. Jeremy got Mr. Jones as a kitten and he is really friendly and loves people. He has been desperate for attention and waits in the window watching for Jeremy. Today Carter kept calling to Mr. Jones but he wouldn't come so Carter looked at me and said, "Oh, he waiting for Uncie J. It's a long, long time to wait for people." It was sad but also true. Carter went outside to play while my mom raked leaves and Mr. Jones jumped on the opportunity to snuggle up with me. He's such a lover bunny!