Thursday, January 28, 2016

Funny Stuff Carter Says

Jeremy Update:

Jeremy has now been fully off the pentobarbital for over 24 hours. He is still hooked up to the trach but the doctors say he is mostly breathing on his own. He is slowly starting to do a few more movements. He has moved his arms slightly, wiggled his toes, and shrugged his shoulders. Last night when I went to visit him he pulled his lips up almost into a smile. He's moving his facial muscles more and flares his nostrils on occasion. The nurses say he doesn't like the oral care and will purse his lips in an attempt to keep them from doing it. They have been sitting him up in a chair to regain his abdominal muscles and he seems to move a bit more at those times. They have been keeping the tv on in his room for stimulation and even asked my dad what Jeremy normally likes to watch. He told them the news, so they have it tuned to a news channel. I know it will be a while before the pento is fully out of his system. It was so exciting to finally see his eyes and I'm very appreciative of how much he has improved in less than 4 weeks. I feel like this phase of recovery is the almost as hard as the first week because we are waiting to see what he will be able to do. He can open his eyes and blinks and can move his body some, but isn't doing anything on command. The doctors have asked him to do little things like stick his tongue out or cough and he hasn't been able to do that yet. It is scary to think this could be all the functioning he has for the rest of his life, but we are hopeful more will return in the next few days once the pento has fully worn off. They plan to move him to an acute care facility on Monday. Carter is very excited about that as he has been asking to go visit his Uncie J. Today he asked me if he could go visit Uncie J yet and when I said no, he started crying. He doesn't understand that Jeremy can't talk and wants to talk to him on the phone and asks Jeremy questions, waiting for a response. We've explained it to him, but he doesn't understand. He just misses his Uncie J and so do we! With everything that's going on right now I'm hitting a point of mental and emotional exhaustion to where I can't even think of something to write about. I figure it's about time for a light and funny post, so even though it hasn't been very long since my last one, I'm going to share some funny stuff Carter has said lately.

While driving in the car...
Carter: Why is your hair bumpy?
Me: What do you mean?
Carter: Your hair has bumps in the back.
Me: Oh, I must not have done a very good job straightening it.

Carter got out a bunch of plates and set them out around the table.
Me: Are you having friends over for lunch?
Carter: Yes! Mommy, Elise, the dogs, and baby squirrels.
Carter setting out the plates.

Carter pretending to be on his toy phone: Hello?
Me: Hello, how are you?
Carter: I'm at work.
Me: What are you doing today?
Carter: Just eating lunch.
Me: That sounds good.
Carter: Oh, and talking to that man.
Me: Who?
Carter: Well, and a baby named Sissy. She's at the hospital.

Carter: Shhh, somebody's asleep.
Me: Who?
Carter: The flowers.
Carter: I'm just pretending.

Carter to random stranger: Hi!
Stranger: Hi! Is that your baby?
Carter: Yes, her name is Elise.
Stranger: Is she a keeper?
Carter: No, Opa is a teacher. Sissy is a baby.

Carter: Mommy, where are we going?
Me: Bikes and balls.
Carter: Then why is your hair up?
Me: Because I didn't have time to fix it and we are going out in public.
Carter: No! You only wear your hair up when you run. We are not going on a run. Put your hair down!

Worker at Trampoline Place: Cool dinosaur on your shirt!
Carter: Thanks!
Worker: What's your favorite dinosaur?
Carter: Rexasaurus!
Worker while giggling: Mine too!

Carter named his two newest stuffed animals Rexasaurus and Little Sally.

One day at dinner Ty and I got into an argument about something that would not normally be an argument. Carter very seriously looked at Ty and said, "Daddy, you have to understand, mommy is still upset about Uncie J." It was so wise beyond his years and made me stop and realize I wasn't really upset with Ty I was just stressed and upset in general due to what is going on with my brother.


  1. Young Christopher Wiggins says to Aunt Iny: You have a mustache! That one "funny stuff said" traumatized poor Leina!! Funny how Carter notices your hair!! (And I never thought my sister had a mustache!)

    1. I had a student ask me why I had ouchies all over my chin when I was student teaching and I had to explain what pimples were. Gotta love kids!
