Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

The first time Harper picked Carter over me.  I was vacuuming in the bedroom and popped out to check on Carter and found Harper laying in his room with him!
Reading with daddy and Harper when daddy got home from work.
Showing Uncie Tommy his favorite book about tractors from Gigi and Papa.
Blowing bubbles as Ty read him a book about bubbles.
Trying out his prize from the summer reading program.
Harper mourning the fact that Carter and I are out of town.  Picture courtesy of Ty.
Mooching some bleu cheese dressing and cheese from Grampy.
A night he was unwilling to sleep and would pop up and laugh when he saw me.
Chilling during a diaper change.
So excited to be in Virginia!
Looking so big taking his nap in my bed!
My sleeping angel!
Carter walked around saying "ungy, ungy, ungy" until he found Jeremy!
Carter loved Madeline's doll stroller.
Playing with balloons at Grant's birthday party.
Posing with a large book at the park during Grant's party.
Enjoying an organic juice pouch at Grant's party.
He milked that juice pouch forever!
Action shot of the carousel.  He kind of waved while still clinging to me.
On the playground with Grant and Madeline at Grant's party.
Playing in the cooler with one of Grant's friends.
Julianna playing with one of Grant's tractors.
Me with Carter and Jeremy with Julianna.

Playing with candy trash from the pinata.
Wearing my shoe!


  1. Liam LOVES pushing his Otis doll in the stroller too! And last week he started trying to walk around in my shoes. They are so precious with their imaginations!

    1. They are! It's so cute that Liam and Carter enjoy so many of the same things!

  2. The picture of carter popping up from his pack and play made my day!

  3. He was hilarious! I couldn't help laughing which only encouraged him!

  4. Did you notice in the picture of the three of us our shirts are color coded? I thought it looked pretty good.
