Monday, July 21, 2014

Our Last Day of Driving

Well, I should say our last day of driving on the way there! Carter and my morning again started late, at 8:30! I felt bad for him that he didn't get a full nap in and then struggled to fall asleep the day before due to being overtired, but man was it nice to sleep in! We texted my mom and dad to let them know we were up and then got dressed. We didn't hear back from them so we figured they were still asleep and headed down to breakfast. Carter really wanted to sit in the tall bar stool type chairs and did really well in his big chair! He cracked me up mixing his yogurt and oatmeal together!
In the big chair at breakfast.
His feet barely reached the end of the seat!
Mixing his oatmeal and yogurt!
With still no sign of Grammy or Grampy we put on our swimsuits and headed down to the pool. Carter loved climbing on the stairs down into the pool and then sat on the last stair where his chin was barely out of the water. He also liked getting out of the pool, walking over to the side where the water was 3 feet deep, sitting on his bottom and attempting to slide off into the pool on his own. I couldn't believe it and it made me nervous! I would get in the water and hold his hand as he slid and then snatch him up before he hit the water. Once he was down in the water he would scream for me and cling to my neck. I think he was just showing off for the girls in the pool by trying to get in on his own. After a while Grammy showed up just in time for Carter to decide he was done with the pool. She took Carter to shower and I headed out to run. After I showered we packed up and got on the road just after 11:00.  Carter ate lunch and then fell right to sleep.
Watching some kids play in the pool.
Peacefully sleeping in the car.
Carter took a solid hour and a half nap. Then we hit road work where we were at a stand still and moving slowly so he woke up. We stopped to eat lunch and change Carter's diaper. He looked adorable eating his chicken wrap in a booster seat. Such a big boy! We made it another couple hours of playing in the backseat before stopping for gas and another diaper change. There was a couple with 2 dogs parked next to us at the gas station and Carter had a blast petting them! He also enjoyed walking up and down a hill. His new thing we discovered in the car is shoving his finger up his nostril when you ask him where his nose is. He's also been calling Jeremy "Uncie" which is adorable and even said "Uncie!" When we facetimed Uncie Tommy in the car!

Enjoying his wrap at lunch.
He didn't want any help, he wanted to do it all by himself!
Once he was finished eating he went straight for Uncie Jeremy.
He enjoyed putting his sunglasses on by himself.
Watching a Sesame Street song on youtube that Grammy had stuck in her head.
We were so excited to be an hour away from our destination but we hit bad traffic and were slow/stopped for over half an hour. Then when we finally got out of traffic Carter pooped.  Mom saw him scrunch up his face and turn red so she asked him if he pooped.  He said "yes" and then later said "I poop" and pulled his finger out of his lap where he'd apparently been checking things out and the tip of his finger was adorned with poo.  This was the kind of poo that completely soiled his outfit and resulted in a clothing change bringing his total to 4 outfits for the day. Thankfully I packed extra clothes for him and even had 2 additional outfits in my purse in case of emergency! It was such a mess my dad took him into the bathroom and cleaned off his back, leg, and bottom in the sink. 

Stripped down and ready for a diaper change.
After Carter's rinse off in the sink.
Laughing about what a mess it was.
My mom had tried texted and calling my aunt and uncle with no response so we headed straight to dinner when we arrived.  We finished eating and still hadn't heard from anyone so we went up to our hotel room to give Carter a bath.  As we were unlocking the door to head in, we saw my Aunt Judy pop out of their room which was just a couple of doors away.  Madeline and Grant were following her and we were so excited to see them.  We ended up playing with them for quite a while and Carter was dangerously late going to bed, but went down really quickly.  I had thought Carter would be enamored with Grant since Grant is a bit older and able to do quite a bit more, but Carter was totally star struck by Madeline.  He hardly noticed Grant with Madeline around.  He kept going up to her, hugging her, and patting her belly.  He even got right up in her face and shared all of his secrets with her, or asked her questions, no one really knows.  My Aunt Judy took Madeline and Grant out in the hall so they could run down to the end of the hall and back.  Of course Carter wanted to go out too and followed along behind them cheering, "go, go, go!"  When they were finished he wanted to keep running and got behind Madeline pushing her in the back and saying "go" over and over.  It was hilarious!  We also met Julianna who Carter also enjoyed sitting and playing with, but he was tired enough I was afraid he would slap or hurt her.  So I was glad when he got distracted by Madeline again.  When it was time for Madeline to leave Carter grabbed onto the back of her shirt and cried.  He didn't want her to go!
Hugging Madeline and staring at her.
She wasn't quite sure what to think.


  1. Lol-poor guy he looks so tired and worn out from all the excitement in the pictures! The tops of his little butcheeks over grandpas arm are just too precious! Glad you guys are having fun!

    1. Oh man, he has been tired! Sleeping in late and long naps have been going on these last few days. I love the booty shot too. Baby booties never get old!

  2. I love all the pictures even though I saw it in life. :)

    1. I always love going back through and looking at pictures!
