Saturday, November 9, 2013

Just What I Needed

Today was just what I needed.  We ran a half-marathon this morning, more on it to come later.  Ty's friends, Chris and Candice, came to run the 5k at the same event.  They brought their 2 year old daughter with them.  Lately I've been struggling with the fact that Carter is getting so close to a year old.  I'm not ready for him to pass from infant/baby to toddler.  Watching their daughter really helped with those feelings.  I love that she is so talkative and active.  It makes it easier to let go of the baby side of Carter because she is just so much fun!  Now I'm embracing change.  I'm embracing a mobile and talkative toddler rather than focusing on the sweet, cuddly baby who is moving on to the next stage.  Here's to becoming a toddler mommy in about a month!

Riding cars together.

He loved watching the 2 year old.
Carter always preferred the other car.
Carter's new thing is playing underneath things, especially chairs!