Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

Getting a hair cut during Gma and Gpa's visit.
Skippy and Quinn resting together.
New Christmas jammies from Oma and Opa.
Feeding Quinn her dog food out of his hand.

He thought it was hilarious and would laugh so hard as she ate.

Putting his baby down for a nap.

He's going to love caring for his baby while I take care of Elise.

This is his favorite book right now.  He's always looking through it and exclaiming at the cars.

Harper tolerating Quinn climbing all over her on the way to run.

Carter enjoying our first snow on Sunday, November 16th.

He can still put his feet in his mouth!

Crazy flexibility!

Throwing snow balls at Harper.

Reading a magazine while waiting for my prenatal appointment.

Skippy gave his position away.
Excited to be wearing my snow boots.
Playing in the fort with his best bud!
Harper guarding the door way while Carter played

Snuggled up with all his buddies.  He's been asking for the baby to sleep with him.


  1. I love Wednesday! If he keeps going the crib will be too crowded for him to be in it.
