Saturday, February 13, 2016

Jeremy Update

Not much to report today. Jeremy got his trach out yesterday and it's healing really nicely. They took his leads off today and stopped checking his blood sugar with finger pricks as his numbers have been good and he's healthy. He's been getting to go for rides in a wheelchair and even wheels himself at times. When he's in charge of the wheels he tries to "go where the pretty girls are." He had a busy day as some friends came to visit. Then once I had Elise down I asked Carter if he wanted to watch a show or go visit Uncie J and he picked to visit Uncie J. Jeremy was asleep when we got there but even sat up for Carter and played basketball with him. Then Carter asked Jeremy if he'd be his Valentine and Jeremy said yes, he'd love to. It's so sweet to see them just pick up where they left off. Their relationship is so special! Carter was extra thrilled because Jeremy said he could go on a ride in his wheelchair and a nurse gave him a small cup of ice cream while he was out on his ride. It was a great visit! I plan to bring Carter up as much as I can so he can see his Uncie J a lot before he heads out of state for rehab which hopefully will be happening soon!

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