Thursday, April 17, 2014

A Letter to Carter at 16 Months

Carter Man, this month has been a blast.  You have grown and changed so much!  Your personality continues to evolve and shine through more and more.  And honestly I couldn't love it and you any more.  You are so much fun to be around and you bring happiness into each and every day.  Although I'm not happy during every moment of every day.  That's just not possible and I am never fully happy when I'm away from you.  Every day I'm happy a decent amount simply because I get to spend time with you.  Whenever I'm with you you bring a smile to my face.

It's hard to believe you've only been walking for a month because, man, do you get around!  A few times you've even run from one place to another.  Even when you're just walking you sure move fast!  Harper and Skippy are always on their toes watching out for you and running from you.  You still love to carry things around when you walk and you love to drink as you walk around.  Anytime you walk by Harper you brush your fingers along her tail.  You love her tail.  Sometimes you grab a hold of a patch of fur when you walk by. 
Between your walking and wanting to be held because you were tired and we had just gotten home from daycare where you'd only taken an hour nap, pictures were even more difficult this month.  Then you found the lens cap and made a game of putting it on the lens, pulling it off, and doing it all over again.  I had a difficult time snapping a picture before you reached up and pushed the lens cap on.
You are even more talkative.  Uh oh is still your favorite phrase.  You've picked up a few other words as well.  When we were at the zoo you said bird for the first time.  Now you look out the window and point at the sky saying bird.  When your Gigi and Papa came to visit you started saying Papa really clearly and said Gigi a little bit jumbled.  You still attempt to say Jeremy when you see Uncie Jeremy.  I can't really describe what it sounds like, but it has a "d" sound at the beginning.  You definitely understand more and use words to get what you want.  One night you were having a particularly bad night.  I went in to check on you and when I walked out of the room, you very sweetly but sadly said mommy very distinctly after I closed the door.  It was all I could do to make it back to bed.  I wanted so badly to walk in and wrap you up in a hug and probably would have if it hadn't been 3:30 am and I was exhausted.  Some other things you've said, but don't use consistently are help, help please, what's that, water, and stop (when I kept kissing your cheek over and over, what can I say, we spend too much time apart).  Thankfully you haven't picked up no yet.  Even when you aren't saying words you are always talking.  One of your favorite things to do is make noises and put your hand over your mouth to make the "wa wa" sound.  It's hilarious!

You gave me my first kiss this month and boy did it make my day!  There have been a few times when you walked over to me and gave me a kiss just because.  It is the best and the sweetest thing.  Sometimes you pucker up your mouth and do a normal kiss.  Other times you come in like it's going to be a normal kiss and bite my lips.  Still other times you lick my lips.  You are such a character!  Up until this weekend I was the only person you had kissed although grammy said when she was visiting you kissed the wall when you had not only your grammy to kiss, but also your Uncie Jeremy.  This Sunday, April 13th you were playing in the back of Papa and Gigi's truck as they were getting ready to leave and walked up and gave your daddy his first kiss. 

I've been amazed at how your fine motor skills have developed.  You drew your first picture using sidewalk chalk (see a video here) and you love to carry your crayons around.  Occasionally you draw with your crayons.  I noticed a long orange crayon mark on the hallway wall.  Not sure when that happened or if you did it on purpose.  I imagine you fell while carrying a crayon.  Whenever you see the container of crayons in your bedroom you freak out wanting me to get them down.  You haven't shown much progress eating with utensils.  You can eat with them but typically choose not to.  You've decided you like eating whole fruit and will eat peaches, plums, etc. whole by taking big bites out of them.  You don't seem to get as much "meat" off them that way, but you sure get a kick out of it!  You also like to brush your teeth.  Walking around while brushing your teeth was a favorite, but it made us nervous so we had to nix it.  We make you sit to brush your teeth which you don't enjoy quite as much but you tolerate it.  You've gotten really good at putting your shapes through the holes in your shape sorter.  You even clap for yourself after you put one in the right hole.  You are so cute!

Something else you've started doing is trying to dress yourself.  In the mornings you'll grab one of your shoes and attempt to put it on your foot.  You'll also grab your socks and put them down by your feet although you aren't able to get any part of your foot in your sock.  For a while now you've loved putting hats or wash clothes or blankets on your head.  You think it's hilarious.  When I have your sock or shoe you'll stick out your foot for me to put it on.  You've been helping me by lifting your arms to pull off your onesies and will also push your arm through your shirt sleeve.

Sleeping this month has been the same other than the early am wake-ups the last couple of weeks.  You've also been waking up before 6 am a fair amount.  One of my favorite things is when you fall asleep while I'm rocking you.  Looking down at your precious face just never gets old.  Naptime is a favorite for you.  Often times you don't want to lay down, but once you do, you are out!

We sure are getting good use out of your 12 months clothes.  You are wearing mostly 18 month onesies with a few 12 month onesies mixed in.  Your 18 month pants are too long and extremely loose around the waist.  I still put you in 12 month pants and shorts otherwise the 18 month pants slide right on off your waist and down your tush.  Shoe wise you wear your Pumas pretty much every day.  They are size 5 and are a bit big.  I'd guess your shoe size is probably a 4, but you do just fine walking around in the size 5s.  You haven't had any accidents in your size 3 diapers so we are pushing them for as long as we can.  We still have a package left and plan to use them up before moving on to the size 4 diapers. 

You had ear tube surgery this month.  It seems to have helped with your balance.  Before surgery you had trouble walking up inclines and occasionally lost your balance and toppled over.  Now you are steady and move quickly.  You love to walk up the little hill we have in our backyard.  You used to only do that while holding my hand, but now you are able to do it all on your own.  We haven't seen as drastic of an improvement with your hearing or verbal skills, but they also seem improved.

Carter, buddy, every day you have been in our lives you have made them better.  You are so full of joy and love.  You never cease to bring a smile to my face and a warmth to my heart.  One day I was crying and you walked over to me with your arms in the air and wanted picked up.  When I picked you up, you wrapped your arms around my neck and gave me a huge hug.  It was exactly what I needed.  It showed your kind heart and I swear just a little bit of understanding.  You are such a caring little boy.  I continue to love you more and more!
Now on to daddy:

It seems like it was only last week that I was excited to have you greet me at the door when I got home from work. Hard to imagine it was over a year ago! Sometimes you just yell to me from the kitchen because your momma has you strapped to your high chair!

Skippy and Harper are now receiving a healthy dose of exercise daily. You are relentless in your attempts to give them love and attention. Harper is starting to give in while Skippy still actively avoids you!

Easter is in a week and we cannot wait to watch you search for eggs. Your mother has already taught you that delicious treats are in those eggs! I am sure we will all have a blast.

Soon your mother will be able to stay at home with you and play every single day! While there will be many perks to that, one for your grandparents and I will be the countless photos and updates of you!

Your smile melts my heart and you are not shy to pass them out. I absolutely love that about you son!
Love you buddy!

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