Monday, December 14, 2020

Carter is 8: What He Says

Our sweet Carter is 8 years old now! He is reading everything from chapter books, to letters written in cursive, to graffiti at the playground that I wish he couldn't read! He likes to make eggs for breakfast for himself and for his sister. He misses school and really wants to go back but he has done really well with distance learning and isn't one to complain. He has been so sweet with Elise learning Spanish and is quick to praise her for trying out Spanish during everyday conversations. I am so proud of the sweet boy he is and his absolute love for learning. His Oma and Opa got him a microscope for his birthday and he turned his Lego table in his room into a Science Lab. He and Elise disappear into his room for long periods of time collecting samples and doing experiments. It's so sweet! Read what Carter said about himself last year when he turned 7 here, at 6 in 2018 here, at 5 in 2017 here, at 4 in 2016 here, and at 3 in 2015 here.

What are your nicknames?
Carty and Carter Ty

How old are you?

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite animal?
A snake

What is your favorite book?

What is your favorite TV show?
Dino Dan

What is your favorite movie?
Mr. Popper's Penguins

What is your favorite song?
I don't really have a favorite song. But the only song I like is Fireball (by Pitbull).

What is your favorite food?
Macaroni and cheese

What is your favorite drink?
Probably Dr. Pepper soon. (He gets to try caffeinated soda for the first time on his birthday)

What is your favorite breakfast food?

What is your favorite snack?
Fruit snacks

What is your favorite game?
All the Minion games

What is your favorite thing to play?

What is your favorite toy?

Who is your best friend?
Henry, Landon, and Logan

What is your favorite thing to do?
Read books and do Legos.

What is your favorite thing to do outside?
Play tag

What is your favorite holiday?

What do you like to take to bed with you at night?
Big Al 

Where is your favorite place to go?
Anywhere if it's with one of my friends.

What is your favorite restaurant?
Dairy Queen

Where do you want to go on vacation?
Florida because my cousins live there!

What do you want to be when you grow up?
I want to be at a zoo and I want to work with snakes. 

Anything else you want to tell me about yourself?
Ummm, no!


  1. Very cute! I hope he's not too disappointed with Dr. Pepper. It tastes like medicine. :)
