Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas: What the Kids Say

Merry Christmas! What a perfect day for a fun, little interview post with the kids. I looked back at last year's post and I guess holiday-themed Snapchat pictures with Elise will be a recurring theme for this post! Read last year's post here, 2018 here, 2017 here, and 2016 here.

What's on your Christmas list? 
Carter: Legos and books 
Elise: LOLs, Hatchimals, and Scruff-a-Luvs
What is the best part about Christmas?
Carter: Being with family and opening presents.    
Elise: My family and presents. 

Why do we celebrate Christmas?
Carter: For Jesus' birth.  
Elise: Because of family and God's birthday.  

Where does Santa live?
Carter: At the North Pole. 
Elise: In the North Pole.

What are the names of Santa's reindeer?
Carter: I have no idea, one's Blitzen and one's Dancer and Prancer.  
Elise: Prancer, Dancer, Dancer

What do you think Santa's favorite food is?
Carter: Cookies  
Elise: Hmmm, I don't know.

What will Santa bring mommy and daddy for Christmas?
Carter: What they want.  
Elise: Stuff you guys like.

What's your favorite thing about Marco (their Elf on the Shelf)?
Carter: He's silly.  
Elise: That he is so funny! 

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