Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Wordless Wednesday

After all the snow, Marco needed a beach vacation.

Elise enjoyed her first Girl Scout event through Zoom, a Bake and Paint Activity.

Christmas Puzzle Hunt at a local park.

Elise shut Tesla in her room with her while she picked it up. Tesla came out all decked out.

Carter was so excited he got the Gotta Go Flamingo for his birthday.

Carter got a microscope from Oma and Opa and he and Elise hung out in his room doing science experiments with a sign on the door: science lab, please knock.

Carter loves his mircoscope!

Marco went camping.

The kids set up this play area and pretended to be kitties.

Marco wanted to learn at home like the kids. 

Marco found some friends to take him on a sleigh ride.

The color of the day was verde so we had green eggs for breakfast!
Marco needed to borrow the Gotta Go Flamingo's toilet.

The color of the day was verde so we had green eggs for breakfast!


  1. The four kids holding hands sure was cute. And Tesla is such a good girl getting dolled up and then getting her picture taken.

    1. She is so good. Just sits there and lets Elise put stuff all over her!
