Thursday, December 24, 2020

Wordless Thursday

 Thanks to my computer struggling to upload pictures last night. I finally gave up and went to bed.

Carter wanted to learn how to play Solitaire and he caught on really quickly.

Walking through the neighborhood to look at lights and saw this beautiful house!

We totally forgot Carter's birthday was displayed during the month of December, thankfully a friend texted us so we got a picture!

Carter came in so Skippy had to hide!

My lovely Christmas present Ty made me. I can display my race mugs and some of the teacups my grandma saved for me.

Elise waiting for Carter during a trail hike for her/bike ride for him.

Marco was a little silly and painted Ty's toenails one night! So glad he played along, this may have been the kids' favorite thing Marco did!

The kids using Tesla as a pillow while doing their Raz-Kids.

Tesla's first trail run with me. She had a blast!

Elise helped me make all kinds of treats to give our neighbors and friends for Christmas.

Gift exchange with her bestie!

Gift exchange with the big siblings.

Making special ornaments we got in a winter grab bag from the library.

This is my favorite house we've seen when driving around looking at Christmas lights. So beautiful!

The kids had a gingerbread hunt and measured the gingerbread people when they found them. Elise measured with bows end to end, Carter used a ruler. 

Helping me make more treats. This might be her favorite part!

Jeremy makes these cookies a lot and she talked about him the whole time we made them, it was so sweet!

Mile fun run out at the trails by our house.

They wanted to ride the trails after our run. This convinced Elise to take her training wheels off because it was impossible to ride the trails with training wheels!

Ty found these awesome Oreo "gingerbread" houses for us!

Doing a fun experiment to see what liquid would dissolve candy canes the fastest.

Making sugar cookies. We always think of Papa Cox when we do this because we use the rolling pin he made us. We also get to use my Grandma Darlyne's sifter.

I loved that Carter made arms on the snowman.

Carter's beautiful tree.

Carter helped Elise wrap presents she made for her uncies.


  1. Lil Cutie sure didn't want to come out of the cube and go into the maze! That dirt track around the grass field where we saw the Eagle Scout project with Nikki would be perfect for Elise to try a bike without training wheels.

    1. That would be perfect! She loved riding on the paved path around there.
