Monday, December 7, 2020

Fall Reading

I can't get over how much the kids both love to read. It is my absolute favorite. It's so exciting that Elise is getting to where she will be able to read the words as well as the pictures in books soon. Carter asked for books and Legos for Christmas and then added a few things to his wish list. We got him mostly books and the great thing is that I know he will actually be excited to open them!

Favorite Books This Fall:
  • Barnyard Fun by Maureen Wright- This was a book about April Fool's Day. The kids loved it and it was quite cute. I remember having a hard time finding books about April Fool's Day to read it class that weren't super corny or just not very good. So I was excited when the kids found this one at the library.
  • The Ghosts Go Scaring by Chrissy Bozik- This was a song book set to the tune of "The Ants Go Marching". It was so cute and when I read it to the kids and sang it to them after Carter had already read it normally, they were super impressed and wanted to read it over and over. They also love Halloween books that have the creepy characters but aren't scary.
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid series by Jeff Kinney- When I went through my school stuff to pull things I thought would be helpful during distance learning this fall, I pulled some Diary of a Wimpy Kid books I had. Carter read them and loved them. Then Elise was with me at Goodwill looking at books and recognized some Diary of a Wimpy Kid books by their striped spines. Carter was thrilled! He let his Oma know which books in the series he was missing and which ones he wanted (he's figured out books are Oma's biggest weakness) and she had a couple sent to him. Each time he got a package he was off reading and finished the book by the next morning! I think he's only missing one book in the series now. Carter usually picks one to read to Oma and Opa at night and they are quite funny! When he finishes one he usually tells me all the funny stories in the book the next morning at breakfast.
  • Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson- When we visited my parents, my mom let Carter borrow Jeremy's different Calvin and Hobbes and Garfield collections, with Jeremy's permission. He read the Calvin and Hobbes books first and loved them. He would tell me all the funniest parts and it was so cute. He wanted to be Calvin for Halloween and found a tiger stuffed animal in his room which actually looked a lot like Hobbes but then he decided he wanted to be something else because he didn't think anyone would know who he was. We decided he could be Calvin for book character day in the spring and with the book, people would know for sure who he was.
  • The Moose Belongs to Me by Oliver Jeffers- This book was super cute and the kids loved it. Oliver Jeffers is super hit or miss. Some of his books are so weird and others the kids love. I'd be doing chores and hear Carter reading this book to Elise. At one point I walked by the living room and saw Elise laying with her head resting on Carter's knee as he read this to her. There's nothing sweeter than that. I wanted to get a picture but I knew if they saw me in the doorway the moment would be over so I just moved on. 
  • Max at Night by Ed Vere- The kids love all the Max books and I'm pretty sure I've listed one before. The other books are Max and Bird and Max the Brave. This one was cute and reminded me of Are You My Mother? Max searched for the moon throughout the whole book. 
  • Cyril and Pat by Emily Gravett- This was such a cute little book about Cyril who was the only squirrel at the park until he met Pat who he thought was another squirrel but was really a rat. The kids loved it and I enjoyed it as well.