Saturday, May 8, 2021

What the Kids Say About Their Oma

This year (from Mother's Day last year to this year) started with FaceTime and ended with time together wearing masks. We are so thankful to get to spend time with family again! I have such a great time reading back over the kids' responses on these each year. Read last year's post here, 2019 here, 2018 here, and 2017 here.

What is something Oma always says to you?
Carter: She always says that I'm cute.   
Elise: That she loves me.

What makes Oma happy?
Carter: When I play with her.  
Elise: When I'm here.

What makes Oma sad?
Carter: When I don't come to her house.  
Elise: When I'm not here..

How does Oma make you laugh
Carter: She tickles me.   
Elise: Tickling!

What was Oma like as a child?
Carter: Super nice
Elise: She liked school.

How old is Oma?
Carter: 62
Elise: I'll go with 71, is she 71?

How tall is Oma?
Carter: 7 feet tall 
Elise: 64

What is Oma's favorite thing to do?
Carter: Play with us.
Elise: Playing games with me.

What does Oma do when you're not around?
Carter: Feed the cats and dogs.
Elise: Play with Opa.

If Oma becomes famous, what will it be for?
Carter: Being good with animals.
Elise: Being a nice grandma.

What is Oma really good at?
Carter: Watching movies.
Elise: Playing with me.

What is Oma not very good at?
Carter: Driving
Elise: Tag

What does Oma do for a job?
Carter: She doesn't have a job.
Elise: She doesn't have a job!

What is Oma's favorite food?
Carter: Bamboo
Elise: Mac and cheese, I think.

What makes you proud of Oma?
Carter: That she's my grandma.
Elise: That she's so nice.

If Oma were a character who would she be?
Carter: The guy in that show where he had the dog, Harry.
Elise: The famous character.

What do you and Oma do together?
Carter: Watch movies and play outside.
Elise: Play

How are you and Oma the same?
Carter: Oma had mommy and mommy had me.
Elise: We're girls.

How are you and Oma different?
Carter: She's 62 and I'm 8.
Elise: We're not the same number.

How do you know Oma loves you?
Carter: She watches movies with me and she gets me presents for my birthday.
Elise: Because she always says it.

What does Oma like most about Opa?
Carter: That he's goofy.
Elise: She likes to play with him!

Where is Oma's favorite place to go?
Carter: Our house.
Elise: Our house.

How old was Oma when you were born?
Carter: 53
Elise: How old was she, momma? Tell me!


  1. And, again, cute answers. If you go by inches, Elise was only two inches off in m height.
