Sunday, May 9, 2021

What the Kids Say About Their Momma

After a trying year with the pandemic and over a year of distance learning, these kids love their momma more than ever. While some days were hard, I know our kids had the best teacher through all of this, and in reading some of their answers below, it is clear they know it too. The sacrifices she has made and continues to makes for our babies is a big reason they are the way they are. Smart, caring, creative and compassionate, they get it all from their momma. To the Mom who constantly goes above and beyond, happy Mother's Day love. -Ty (I asked him to do this for me this year because it always feels weird asking the kids questions about myself.)

Read what the kids said last year here, in 2019 here, in 2018 here, in 2017 here, in 2016 here, and in 2015 here.

What is something mom always says to you?
Carter: That she loves me.
Elise: That she loves me.

What makes your mom happy?
Carter: When I hug and kiss her.
Elise: When I give her kisses.

What makes your mom sad?
Carter: When I go somewhere without her.
Elise: When I don't kiss her.

How does your mom make you laugh?
Carter: When I tickle her.
Elise: Tickling me.

What was your mom like as a child?
Carter: Very nice.
Elise: IDK?

How old is your mom?
Carter: 32
Elise: I'll go with... 11.

How tall is your mom?
Carter: 8 Feet.
Elise: 91

What is your mom's favorite thing to do?
Carter: Hug and kiss me and do stuff with me and Elise.  
Elise: Play with me.

What does your mom do when you're not around?
Carter: She types to people on her phone.
Elise: Play games with you (meaning me, Ty).

If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
Carter: Being the best teacher on earth.
Elise: Being the best mommy ever.

What is your mom really good at?
Carter: Playing.
Elise: Being the best mommy ever.

What is your mom not very good at?
Carter: Climbing
Elise: (shoulder shrug)

What does your mom do for a job?
Carter: She works at a school.
Elise: Um, work at Eisenhower.

What is your mom's favorite food?
Carter: Bamboo.
Elise: Biscuts?

What makes you proud of your mom?
Carter: That she is a super good teacher.
Elise: That she's good at scratching my back.

If your mom were a character who would she be?
Carter: Sharko.
Elise: A mom 

What do you and your mom do together?
Carter: Play.
Elise: Read books.

How are you and your mom the same?
Carter: Uh, she had me so we are related.
Elise: We are both girls.

How are you and your mom different?
Carter: I have blonde hair, she doesn't.
Elise: Because we are not the same age.

How do you know your mom loves you?
Carter: Because she kisses me goodnight when I am asleep.
Elise: She always says I love you.

What does your mom like most about your dad?
Carter: That he is super nice.
Elise: That she likes his beard.

Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
Carter: Bamboo
Elise: Braums

How old was your mom when you were born?
Carter: hm... 26?
Elise: 90?


  1. Their guesses on age are cute. Carter is learning! I like what Ty wrote, very sweet and true.

    1. It's cute that he subtracts his age from how old he thinks I am to figure out how old I was when he was born.
