Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Wordless Wednesday

Volunteering at an aid station during the run portion of the Tulsa Ironman!

Carter broke his wrist jumping out of the swing.

Elise had a blast picking out a birthday present for her friend. I forgot how much she loves to shop since we hadn't done it in so long!

They sure love each other!

Last Boy Scout event of the year. Hiking at Turkey Mountain.

Elise wanted to go on a hike with me and then posed and asked me to take a bunch of pictures.

Elise put on unicorn everything and even had me find her some unicorn socks. She asked me to give her a unicorn horn so I made a bun on the top of her head. It was so cute.

More posing, this time at the zoo.

Another picture requested by Elise.

Storytime at the zoo.

Carter wanted to sit in my lap during storytime. I asked Elise to take a picture of us.

Getting to see a bearded dragon.

The kids all went along with Elise's photo requests very sweetly.

This was the only picture I asked for at the zoo after the countless ones I took because Elise asked me to. You will notice she refused to be in it, lol!

Which one of these birds is not like the others?!

Carter was excited to see the peacock strutting his stuff.

The kids resting after our trip to the zoo.


  1. Elise's poses are hilarious with the monkey around her neck. Her friend seems to think so too. Their costume parade was pretty funny.

    1. The monkey around her neck was definitely the best part!
