Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wordless Wednesday

Carter decided to put on some eye shadow while I was straightening my hair.
Playing at the library after storytime.
Playing in some snow that hadn't melted yet.
We met daddy for lunch and he treated us to ice cream afterward!
Carter made a bit of a mess on the way home!
At one point he said, "Mommy uh oh" and I looked back to see both his hands empty!
He picked his ice cream cone back up but needed a full clothing change when we got home!
Elise and my shadow.  It's been so long since we've seen the sun!!!
Carter wanted in on the action.  He looks so tall!
Carter drove by on his bike and put a sticker on my belly.
My view of Carter giving Sissy Elise a kiss.
Touching a star fish at the aquarium.
Listening to the woodwinds during Symphony Under the Sea at the aquarium.
Holding hands with his buddy Walter.
Inside a tunnel that goes up into a fish tank.
Playing with Mr. Jones at Uncie J's house.
Cuddles for Ty with Harper and Skippy.
Playing night night in our bed.
Haircut with Gma and Gpa.  It was desperately needed!
Wearing a new Big Brother shirt and sporting a handsome hair cut!
Oma and Opa took Carter shoe shopping and he came home with 2 pairs of shoes because he wanted these car shoes so badly!
Helping make waffles for morning snack for us and breakfast for Jake.

Carter requested that I take this picture.
Buddies reading at the library.
Trying out the carpet in the children's section.
Trying out a chair in the children's section.
Jake was walking around and then randomly just laid down on the sidewalk.
Obviously Carter had to join him.
Playing drums during a musical presentation at the Children's Museum.
Perfect weather for lunch outside!


  1. I love wordless Wednesdays! He is so cute, and Jake is too.

    1. They are absolutely precious together! I'm so sad yesterday was Jake's last day until next school year. I will miss him so much!!!

  2. You'll be surprised how much you will miss him. It would be neat to see him with Elise and he would be a good companion for Carter when Elise isn't playing much. Plus she'd have a show to watch. :)

    1. I'm sure she'll have quite the show as it is! I think she'll enjoy him even more when he comes back in August and she's older.
