Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Goodbye, 2021!

2021 has been a year of change for us. I went back to work full time which was hard for the first few months, but we are in a groove now and it's going really well! The kids started riding the bus to school and they seem to like it okay. They'd rather be driven to school (we're the first stop so it's about an hour ride in the morning) but they are always telling me stories about their friends on the bus, so they must like it enough. We ended the year with another round of the flu. Everyone had mild cases, thankfully, except for me. I was in bed for about 4.5 days. It was waaaaay better than my flu, possible Covid, in 2020 so I was pleased with that! We finish the year with our whole family fully vaccinated which has been a huge relief! Read past recaps here: 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, and 2013


We continued on with distance learning and Elise's favorite Zoom Meeting was with her art teacher. She would set up well in advance each day.
We celebrated mom, dad, and Jeremy's birthdays.


Elise lost another tooth!
We continued on with distance learning.
We had some record low temperatures. It even got down below 0.
We celebrated Valentine's Day.
We conserved energy to make sure we wouldn't be part of a power outage.

We got even more snow and went sledding every day.


We visited Palo Duro Canyon State Park in Texas on our way to the Grand Canyon.

Ty ended up in the hospital in Albuquerque with kidney stones. He still continued on with our trip!

We spent a couple days camping at the Grand Canyon.

We camped in record lows for us, 17 degrees, and got snowed on our last night there.

Ty and I got our first dose of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine on the way home from the Grand Canyon!

We got to meet Ranger Angelina and Bixby the Beaver at Sequoyah State Park.

We celebrated St. Patrick's Day.

Elise turned 6 and had multiple small parties!

The kids finally got to go back to school in-person!


Ty and I got our 2nd dose of the Covid vaccine!

We celebrated Easter.

I went back to work at the preschool 3 days a week and started subbing 2 days a week.

Ty started our kitchen remodel.

I ran my first in-person race in over a year!


My grandma's bush bloomed for the first time!

The kids had their last day of school.

We also celebrated Ty's birthday but I apparently took no pictures.

We got to visit family in Topeka!


Carter attended a State Park Summer Camp and it was a blast!

We stayed in a "cabnin" and Elise was thrilled!

The kids attended Kravis Art Camp. Also, Carter broke his wrist jumping out of a swing in the backyard but Ty took him so I don't have pictures.

I started prepping my classroom after accepting a position to go back to teaching full-time in 2nd grade!

I donated my hair again.

The kids and I completed the summer reading program.

We celebrated the 4th of July.

Ty and I celebrated our 10th anniversary.

We turned my 50k race weekend into a little anniversary weekend get-away to Wichita, just the 2 of us.

I celebrated my 35th birthday by running with my birthday buddy, Paige, and then spending the day with the kids! We splurged at our favorite local book store.

Ty kept working on the kitchen remodel and got some help!


Carter became the perfect height for me to rest my chin on his head as I hugged him.

I had my first day back to teaching full-time since 2015.

Elise's hamster, Lil Cutie, died. She had a growth on her chest for months so we thing she had cancer. Elise got a new hamster and named her Sweetie.

The kids had their first day of 3rd and 1st grade!


Elise started back up with Girl Scouts and is in her 2nd year as a Daisy.

The kids started riding the bus this school year.


Gma and Gpa watched Carter and Elise for the first couple days of the kids' fall break while I was still in school.

We went to the pumpkin patch with friends.

I got my 3rd dose of the Covid vaccine!

We went trick or treating with friends on Halloween.

Carter had his last soccer game of the season.


We visited Topeka for Thanksgiving and got to see the giant swing Papa made for the pumpkin patch.
The kids got their 2nd dose of the Covid vaccine!


We visited Santa at Bass Pro.

Carter celebrated his 9th birthday at Urban Air.

We celebrated Christmas at home.


  1. Nice wrap up. In the picture of you and Ty with your second vaccination, Ty looks like my dad. Even Dad agrees.
