Or should I say good riddance!? I feel like it goes without saying that this year ended up being a really weird year. So many of our traditions and yearly fun activities either didn't happen or were different this year. Our biggest change was distance learning. The kids have been in distance learning since March with no end in sight. Our school district attempted to return students to school in the middle of a huge upsurge in Coronavirus cases in our community (right before Thanksgiving, I feel like the timing couldn't have been worse). We decided to keep the kids home to see how Thanksgiving travel and family get-togethers affected community spread as well as spread at the school. A week in and Carter's entire grade was in quarantine and then a week later the entire district transitioned back to distance learning because our entire county is in red. So Carter missed a week of in-person classes (he was still learning at home through distance learning so he didn't miss learning, just missed physically being in school) and Elise missed out on 2 weeks of in-person learning.
This has all been such a juggling act to weigh the risks of returning to school to the lack of language acquisition at home because of my limited Spanish speaking ability. Obviously we made the best decision in that case. Instead of being in quarantine over Thanksgiving, like his classmates who returned, Carter got to enjoy Thanksgiving outside with our family. We've learned as we've gone and my Spanish vocabulary has grown significantly as I've worked to fill in the gaps for the kids. I resigned from my job at the preschool so I could stay home and teach the kids while they were in distance learning, although I was hopeful things would improve and the kids would return to school at some point. Our director told me at any point if the kids go back to school, they would love to have me back, so there's an open invitation for me to return. They are super short on teachers with everything that's going on. The preschool re-opened in October. So there have been huge changes for all of us. Back in February I was starting to feel emotional about Elise being in kindergarten and me no longer having 2 days a week with her at home with me. I laugh thinking about that now that we are 9 months into being together constantly. When the kids get to go back to school it will be so exciting, but it will also be a huge adjustment to go from being together all the time to being apart for most of the day. We are all hopeful that 2021 will be a better year! Last year's photo recap can be found
here, 2018
here, 2017
here, 2016
here, 2015
here, 2014
here, and 2013
We celebrated the start of a new year. |
We got some snow. |
We celebrated mom, Jeremy, and dad's birthdays. |
Carter got to participate in his Boy Scout Pinewood Derby. |
Carter dressed as a 100 year old for his 100th day of school. |
Ty helped Carter make a Lego Valentine's Day box for school. |
Elise had a Valentine's Day party at preschool. |
We celebrated Valentine's Day. |
Carter dressed as The Pigeon for book character day at school. |
Elise went to what we later realized would be her last friend birthday party of 2020. |
I got super sick with the flu and was down for 10 days. Elise was super sweet on Monday when she didn't have school and I was in bed miserable, she even made me toast and brought it to me in bed. |
Elise was desperate to be with me but I didn't want her to get sick so she brought a chair in and ate her oatmeal which she had made all by herself sitting in my doorway. |
We celebrated Elise's birthday with a Yes Day because she couldn't have a party. |
The kids had their first ever virtual playdate. |
Ty got to work from home for a while before the whirlwind of being laid off and then finding a new job the next day. |
We started "homeschooling" when our spring break as extended by 2 weeks. |
Carter started "distance learning" after spring break with a daily Zoom call with his teacher and me supplementing that with work for the rest of the day. Spring distance learning was unstructured and very difficult! Luckily I've taught 1st grade and preschool before so it wasn't too bad for me. |
We celebrated Easter. |
We took Tesla on her first camping trip. |
We powered on with homeschool. Outside of a 30 minute Zoom Meeting with Carter's teacher, I was on my own with schooling in the spring. |
We went digging at the salt plains. |
We celebrated Mother's Day. |
We celebrated Elise's preschool graduation. |
The kids had their last day of school. |
Carter got to say bye to his teachers in a drive through parade on the last day of school. |
Elise had a drive through graduation at her preschool.
Since we had to cancel Elise's birthday party which we had re-scheduled to May (in retrospect, overly hopeful), we used that money to buy a trampoline. |
We had lots of tea parties. |
We had our first in-person playdate since early March. |
The kids each got a hamster, this is Lil Cutie. |
Introducing Katie! |
We got to visit Gma, Gpa, Paul, Amanda, and cousins among our other Topeka family. |
We celebrated the 4th of July with a family Firecracker Ride/Run. |
And lots of fireworks! |
Carter started cooking for himself and Elise a lot more! |
The kids completed the summer reading program.
Ty and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary.
We celebrated my 34th birthday.
We celebrated mom and dad's anniversary with them at a state park. |
Carter fell in the backyard and landed on a rock. We ended up at Urgent Care because of the gash. |
Carter and Elise had their first day of school. |
We started the year in distance learning but Elise got to go to the school to meet her teacher one-on-one. |
Ready to meet her teacher. |
Katie's fur turned white. |
I completed the Virtual Boston Marathon. |
We went to Livesay Orchard's for a kindergarten field trip since that's normally the field trip they take in kindergarten. |
Carter had his first playdate with his 2 best friends from school since March. |
The Gathering Place had a pinwheel art instillation to honor frontline workers. |
We went to our pumpkin patch we go to every year. |
We went camping with Carter's 2 best friends and their families. |
We went to a pumpkin patch we'd never been to before with Carter's 2 best friends and their families. |
We got to go visit Gma and Gpa. |
We got monarch caterpillars and got to watch them as they went through metamorphosis and then released them. |
Carter had his first in-person Boy Scout meeting of the school year. |
We went trick-or-treating to our neighbors and uncles. |
We had a little Halloween get-together at our house. |
We went on the Talimena Scenic Drive starting in Oklahoma and driving into Arkansas. |
We visited our neighbor and learned about Veteran's Day through her stories of her husband's service. |
We cheered Jeremy on as he ran his Virtual Route 66 Marathon. |
We had a Thanksgiving Feast with our friends since they didn't get to have one at school this year. |
We celebrated Thanksgiving with family with a backyard meal. |
Elise had her first ever Girl Scout event with a Zoom art and baking night. |
We visited Santa. |
We met Gma and Gpa at a park to celebrate Carter's birthday and Christmas.
We got quite a bit of snow.
We celebrated Carter's 8th birthday. |
Carter had his birthday party at a playground with his 2 best friends. |
We celebrated Christmas in the backyard with a fire and masks! |
Very different, but it was fun.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great post. I can't believe your kids have been distance learning for that long! You are skilled to teach them but I really feel for parents who are not. Albani was really glad to go back in August. The COVID rates in her school district have been super low, generally about 10 positive out of 7,000 students and staff (they have a lot of precautions in place of course). It's crazy how different it seems to be in different areas!
ReplyDeleteIt is crazy, we just can't get our community spread under control. Our mayor put a mask mandate in place in June but all of our surrounding suburbs refused to put one in place until we more or less hit the point of no return. And every area bleeds into all the others. A huge part of the problem is our governor refuses to take any action so it comes down to the mayors and city councils and they've had such wildly different policies. This has been super hard for me and I'm a teacher with a decent knowledge of technology, so I can imagine how hard it is for other parents. Some of the lower SES schools have had issues with kids not logging in for any Zoom Meetings and/or not doing assignments. They have done an incredible job with distance learning this go-around compared to what we had in the spring, thankfully. In the spring outside of Carter having a daily 30 minute Zoom Meeting, I was on my own to teach him. This fall has been way more structured. Carter has 4 Zoom Meetings a day and Elise has 3 with assignments to complete on Canvas. So I'm just supplementing a little bit each day. The main struggle is motivating them because they are so tired of this!
DeleteOur district requires masks in all buildings and has good safety measures in place. Other school districts that have gone back had similar measures in place and they've all had to re-close at different points. One district had 25% of their students in quarantine due to exposures at school and 1/5 of their teachers were out. It has been a real mess! It does make me wish we lived in an area that was more isolated!