Thursday, June 16, 2016

Those Little Moments

I've written about sweet little moments that make me stop and appreciate what an amazing life I have from time to time. First in 2014 here and here and most recently here. Then I recently came across a blog where she did posts like that frequently and I thought it was such a good idea. What a great way to document those little moments that make your heart feel full. Looking back over the years those are the things I want to remember the most, the little things that bring love and meaning to my days. So I'd like to start doing more regular posts about those little moments in my life.

Right now one of my favorite things is carrying my sleeping baby into the house from the car. Elise would probably take a short morning nap if we stayed home in the mornings, but we very rarely do. We are typically out and about, busy playing with friends or visiting neat places. She wears herself out during our playdates and outings and crashes in the car on the way home. I love opening her door of the car to find her sweet little head resting to the side and her eyes closed. She just looks so precious. Then I'm able to pull her out of her car seat and as I lay her on my chest she completely melts into me as I carry her into her room and lay her in her crib. Those few steps from the car to her room make me so happy. I love having her snuggled up against me like that and she pretty much only gives into major snuggles like that when she's sleeping. I think part of why I love it so much is because with Carter, falling asleep in the car was a death wish and I would spend our entire drive home trying to keep him awake. If he fell asleep in the car, he'd wake up when I carried him into the house and then wouldn't go back down for a nap ever. So I revel in Elise staying asleep just a little bit more than I already would. I even make sure to change her diaper before putting her in her car seat as we leave so she is good to go down for a nap right when we get home. I know she may grow out of staying asleep when I get her out of the car, but I'm enjoying it now while it lasts. It brings a fullness to my heart that I just can't describe with words.
She had a snack on the ride home this day so she was a bit messy.
Her sweet face in these pictures really says it all!


  1. To me Elise looks so much like herself, and not Carter, but in these pictures, she looks a lot like Carter to me.

    1. Same here! I always think they look so different but then I see pictures where I'm like, whoa!
