Thursday, March 17, 2016

Elise's 1st Birthday Letters from Uncles

It is so wonderful to read these letters to Elise and be reminded of the love she is surrounded by day in and day out. She has some amazing uncles who will do anything for her and love her with all of their hearts. I love seeing them with her and how they soften when she is in their arms. The smiles that creep onto their faces when they see her sweet smile or hear her baby laugh. Being surrounded by uncles is an amazing thing. She also loves her Aunt Amanda and instantly smiles any time she is within eye sight. I'm excited to share all the sweet things Elise's uncles had to say about her.

Uncie J:


My niece Elise,

It's your first birthday and you have developed so much!  You have some impressive legs with you able to stand and push around wagons and such and you haven't for long been crawling which you can now do well! Particularly with Carter riding!  

You have such a great smile and laugh!  You get along so well with Carter!  You are a great little sister!

You have some very cute eyes and I love it when I smile at you and you smile big back!  I also love it that you are so fascinated by certain things such as my goatee while I'm holding you!  

I really enjoyed your first year and all of your growth!  I look forward to seeing all of the good growth and changes and learning that you will experience in the year! 

Happy 1st!  I love you!
Uncie J

Uncle Paul:

Dear Elise,
Happy inaugural birthday.  You are so precious and watching you smile over the past year has really given me so much joy and for that I thank you.  I am so honored to be called your uncle as I am sure you will grow into an amazing young lady and make us all very proud. Your accomplishments over the year have been quite amazing, and we get to keep close watch thanks to your mother’s blog and both of your parent’s diligent posting of videos and pictures.  You seem to already have a great command over your older brother and as a fellow younger sibling this warms my heart to see.  Keep smiling, keeping looking adorable and remember when questioned in the court of parental judgement you are, by birthright, always innocent.

Love Uncle Paul
Uncie Taco:


You have been a sweet and easy-going baby over the course of your first year of life and I know that you will continue to grow into an amazing young girl. I have enjoyed watching you develop, explore and learn throughout the year. The thing I enjoy the most is watching you and Carter together! You two already care for each other so much and that bond will only continue to grow stronger as each of you become older. I am elated and proud to be one of your uncles and am truly looking forward to getting to know you more as you become older.

Uncle Taco


  1. As a younger sibling myself, I have to agree with Paul. :)

    1. I would agree if it weren't for the fact that I also have a younger sibling!

  2. Here's to Uncle Paul being Judge in the courtroom of Elise's court battles with her parents! Innocent!
