Monday, June 30, 2014


Ty has been taking over bath time.  Now that I have all day to hang out with Carter and I'm not so needy in the evening, I've been really pushing for Ty to do more with him when he gets home.  I think it's so important for Carter to have special daddy time and for Ty to enjoy time with his sweet boy, uninterrupted by me.  Ty was a bit reluctant to take over bath time saying, "You're just better at it than me."  He just took over on occasion when I was persistent.  Then last night I told Carter it was bath time and picked him up to carry him into the bathroom.  He started crying, reached for Ty, and screamed "Daddy" over and over, making it very clear who he wanted for bath time.  It was precious and made me so happy.  I'm sure it made Ty feel good as well, especially since he's used to the "ultimate f-you" when he tries to soothe Carter to sleep or gets him out of bed in the morning.  The especially fun thing that daddy does and mommy absolutely cannot do is wrap Carter up in his towel and swing him around as they walk down the hall.  He also lifts Carter high and drops him low while holding onto the towel.  Carter laughs hysterically.

Carter and I have been going to the splash park quite a bit.  It is so cute to see Carter interact with the other kids there.  Anytime a child shows up who appears to be around his age he gets so excited.  Today one little boy who was probably around 2 walked up by him and Carter got really close to him, stared in his face, and finally said "hi".  Then he tried to start a conversation babbling away while the other little boy just stared at him.  It was too cute.  Someone had left a spoon on the playground and Carter was using it to stir some wood chips around.  A boy close to his age walked up and Carter began following him around, putting the spoon up by his face, attempting to get him to pretend eat off the spoon.  He and Kamyra used to play that together every morning.  She would follow him to the kitchen area in the daycare room and he would pretend cook something and feed it to her.  Unfortunately the little boy didn't understand what Carter was doing and ran to his dad.  It's definitely time to start setting up those play dates I've been talking about all summer!
Carter cooking at the playground.
Staring at other kids walking by.


  1. So after rereading this it sounds like someone left a dirty spoon and I let Carter play with it. I just want to clear that up. A kid brought it to play with exactly how Carter was playing with it and ran off to play somewhere else so Carter took over.

  2. I love the way Carter's face is showing when Ty is lifting him in the towel.
