Thursday, July 21, 2016

Elise at 16 Months

My sweet, little Elise is now 16 months old or 1 and 1/3 years old. She is still the sweetest and cutest baby. She brings so much joy into our lives. She has such a sweet and loving spirit that comes along with an incredibly independent and at times ornery side. She is still a big people pleaser and cries when I tell her no or use a stern voice with her. I came into the house to her hysterically crying one day, only to find out Ty had forgotten who he was talking to and used a voice normally just for our wild man Carter on Elise. It didn't go over very well and took lots of snuggles and kisses before she was feeling better. She is quite sensitive. I love that she comes over and plops down on my lap regularly and just wants to snuggle all the time. When she wants kisses, she'll shove her forehead toward your face, it's just the cutest. She makes me smile on the daily, especially when Carter is being difficult. No matter how frustrated I am, she can make me smile and I love that. She likes to walk over and offer me toys and all types of things and I swear she can tell when I'm upset because she does it even more then. Side note: she found a black marker and drew on her face before our photo shoot. I didn't notice until looking at the pictures that I didn't get it fully cleaned off her upper lip, oops!
Her biggest developments this month have been in speech. She has really taken off with talking and says quite a few more words than she has before. She definitely understands a lot too. When I ask her to sit down, lay down, lift her leg, put her arms up, put toys away, etc, she will do it.  The cutest thing she's picked up is looking at a camera, smiling, and saying cheese. It melts me every single time and sometimes I take pictures just so she'll do it. She doesn't do it every time, but enough to bring sunshine to my life. She now says water when she's thirsty. One day she threw food on the floor and yelled for Harper. She says mama for me as well as anything she wants. It's so cute to hear her say uh oh because she says it "ah oh". She hands me things and says ere or heya. On our drive to Topeka Carter was talking about Gpa and Elise said, "Gpa, Gpa, Gpa!" She said more when wanted more ice cream and when her food is hot and she touches it, she says hot. When she's in her high chair and wants out, she says up please which comes out "uh pee". She also sometimes says it when she wants to be picked up. More often than not, she just walks over to you and stands on her tip toes. Just tonight she said bye when we were Facetiming with Gigi. Gigi said bye and Elise just yelled bye back without any prompting. Then this morning she walked over to a kid her age and said hi. It was so adorable. My favorite thing to hear her say is still Carter's name. She will walk around yelling "Cah-yah" when she's looking for him or when he's walking or running too fast for her to keep up. If I ask her where Carter is, she'll look around for him and then take off running to him.

It has been cute to see her pick up new ways to play. She likes to play Carter's drums. She also loves to put on necklaces. It's probably one of her favorite things to do when she plays. This month she was actually able to play with our rice sensory bin because she didn't spend the whole time trying to shove rice in her mouth. We are still working on Play Doh though, she seems to think it is delicious and any time I look away for even a second, she's shoving it in her mouth. She's just picked up playing with baby dolls she calls them baby either "bah bah" or "bah bee". She'll pick up a bottle, hold the baby in her arms, and feed the baby. I'm not really sure where she's ever seen it but it sure melts me and makes me want to see her as a big sister some day! She also loves covering her face to play peek-a-boo. The only problem is that she won't think about the fact that she has food on her hands so she'll cover her eyes with dirty hands and get food in her eyes. Then she starts crying but won't stop playing. It is slightly hysterical. She loves to dance and will dance to all sorts of things including a Ziplock bag rustling. Her main dance move is spinning in circles. Her gross motor skills have really taken off this month. She is now running, kicking balls, and dribbling soccer balls. Her fine motor skills have also really improved. She easily holds and carries things as well as colors with crayons and markers, obviously just scribbles. She can hold a pencil and writes with it. She has figured out how to put caps back on markers and tries her darndest to do it, she just can't push hard enough to snap them on. She also likes to pick things up and carry them all over the house. She has shocked me by unzipping my diaper bag and emptying the entire contents onto the floor. I had no idea she could do that!

Carter is still her absolute favorite. She is obsessed with him and will follow him wherever he goes and do whatever he does. She also doesn't mind just chilling by herself and will wander off at times just doing her own thing and entertaining herself. When Carter sings, Elise makes noises along to the same tune and even continues sometimes when he's done singing. It is crazy adorable. I've tried to get videos multiple times, but it's usually when they are in the double stroller and we're out for a run so between the wind, animals making noise, and traffic going by, you can't hear her. Carter and Elise's favorite game is still chasing each other up and down the hall. They laugh so darn hard and I can't help but laugh right along with them. When they play cars, Elise makes car noises as she drives them. She's also started making a baa sound when she plays with animals. It doesn't seem to be just for sheep, but it is cute none the less. Elise still likes shoes and socks and will carry them around. She still occasionally walks around with socks in her mouth, but not as much as she used to.

She has been steadily down to one nap, in the afternoon, this month. She usually goes down at 1:00 right before Carter and naps for 2-3 hours. Some days she falls asleep on our way home from a playdate and then just eats a late lunch when she wakes up from her nap. Right at the end of the month she got a little something and was running a temperature. She started taking a morning nap again along with an afternoon nap, but is back down to one nap again. She still goes to bed between 7 and 8 pm and wakes between 6:30 and 7:30 most mornings. She hasn't woken up in the middle of the night other than when she was sick all month long. It has been a good month of sleep for us all! When I go in to get her in the morning or after a nap, she gets so excited and bounces. Then she'll turn around and pick up either her blanket or a lovie and hand it to me. I haven't quite figured out why she does it because if I carry it with me as we go into the kitchen, she doesn't want it. I think she just does it out of excitement. She isn't attached to any of her lovies like Carter is but she loves her blanket. When she's in her crib, she'll grab her blanket and rub it on her face. It is so sweet to see!

Little miss is obsessed with blueberries especially blueberries we've picked fresh ourselves. She will eat so many that, I'm not even kidding, her poo will smell like them and be almost a black color. We had to start hiding the blueberries on the counter where she couldn't see them and giving them to her as dessert otherwise we had a hard time getting her to eat anything else.When she's frustrated she sure lets you know with angry grunts and sometimes biting. Ty was clipping her fingernails and she was not having it, she looked up at his arm and bit it while he was working. We've been very stern with telling her no when she does it because we don't want it to become a habit. She still grabs other kids' faces when she's excited and it really hurts. I've tried all kinds of methods to get her to stop, I even caved and tried slapping her hand when she did it. Nothing deterred her. So I just keep a close eye and stay nearby. When she reaches out to grab the other kids, I grab her hand and tell her no. If she continues to try, I pick her up and carry her away. Her bestie Finley is slightly afraid of her due to her grabbing nature. They'll be playing, having a grand ole time, and Elise will randomly reach over and grab her. It doesn't help that when she does it to Carter he gets upset if I get after her. He'll say, "I don't mind if she hurts me. She's my sissy and I love her," or "It's okay, she's a baby and she doesn't know better." It's very sweet, but I keep telling him it can't be tolerated because it will make other kids not want to be her friend. I get onto her when I see her doing it, but I know Carter lets her do it when I don't see. Oh, the struggles of older siblings, haha!

Elise is the sweetest girl. She brings so much love and sunshine into each and every single day. I couldn't love her any more and I am so glad she's our sweet little precious pot pie to love on and kiss on and cuddle forever. I love seeing her grow up and become more of a toddler. Carter told me the other day, "I can't wait till sissy can talk to me and say more stuff than goo and baby things." I'm excited to hear their conversations and all the wild things they will say, but I sure can wait. I'm relishing every little bit of baby that she has left and I'm in no hurry to rush her along. She's my baby and I'm going to keep it that way! I just need her one little thigh roll to hang around for another year or so, haha!

Now on to Daddy:

Talking up a storm this month little girl! Most of it is still babbles, but there are several new words a week, and sometimes a day these past few weeks! I heard you say Gpa, and that was the first new word I have ever heard you say. I was very excited about it!

You get so excited to see me when I get home from work and it melts my heart. You usually don't know what to do with yourself, so you often times run around squealing! Today, you ran and bounced off the futon, grabbing the throw blanket last minute to keep yourself upright.

Everyday you and your brother find a new, cuter way to play. It is so much fun watching you guys grow up together and interacting everyday.

Love you so much little girl!