Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Wordless Wednesday

Ty and I had a date night and Elise went through my closet and picked out my outfit. She was so proud and wanted to take a picture with me. It was so much fun. She was adorable, saying, "Oooh, this is cute," and "That looks too boy, no."
Making monoprints at Gilcrease After Hours (a free event at our local art museum).
Ty's bison was awesome!

Ty liked the reflection back here.

Painting a St. Patrick's Day decoration for his door.
Painting one for her door. We love Dollar Tree!

The kids saw Carol raking leaves and wanted to help her.

Vet Elise helped deliver all these babies!
Reading our Lifesize dinosaur book and the kids wanted to take pictures of each other.

Danger Hike is back, this game cracks me up!
Elise had Wacky Wednesday at school for Read Across America week so she put all her clothes on inside out except her kitty shirt because she loves it too much.
We gave her some wacky hair too!

I couldn't get her to stand still for a picture, she was too excited!
This was the wacky face she made for her teacher!
Tesla helping Elise practice her letter names and sounds.


  1. Very cute. It looked like Elise was very proud you wore the outfit she picked. Danger Hike, hahaha. Is Joey alive?
