Thursday, July 15, 2021

Funny Stuff the Kids Say

When we stayed in a cabin at Sequoyah State Park, Elise called it a "cabnin". People kept thinking she was saying cabinet and their faces when she said what they thought was, "I get to sleep in a cabinet," were hilarious!

Carter: Do you get to go with Sra. Santiago?
Elise: No, I go with that guy with hair coming out of his chin.
Carter: Oh, you mean a beard?
Elise: Yeah!
They were discussing teachers at art camp.

I may have typed this before, but wanted to document it in case I haven't. Elise calls hand sanitizer, hanitizer.

Carter: Mommy you get the red and green one.
Me: Okay! Green and red were Grandpa Eddie's favorite colors.
Carter: They are Santa's too!

Me to Elise: Who's mommy's sweet pea?
Elise: Carty!

Carter went for x-rays at the doctor's office.
"Did you take many pictures? Did you do costumes for any of them?" -Elise

Carter was being pretty grumpy one day. We were at the playground and he cut in front of Elise to go down the ladder.
"You are so mean today, Buddy!" -Elise

Carter wearing a tank top, "Is this appropriate to wear to the library?"

"These burritos are not good." -Carter eating an egg roll

"Don't forget your wig!" -Elise referring to my hair I had cut to donate

"Where's my paper to staple on my shirt?" -Elise talking about a race bib

"Daddy, aren't you excited you get to see your dad-in-law in 6 days?!" -Elise

"Ewww, that's gross, we don't keep a dead fly collection. Where is your collection? Go get them all and throw them away!" -Me saying something I never expected to say as a parent

Carter called a poncho a jacuzzi.

We watched Jurassic World together. At the end when Owen and Claire walked off together, the following conversation ensued:
Carter: Where are they going? Are they going back out there?
Elise: They're going to get married, duh!

Carter was telling Elise about an Indian burn. I told him not to call it that because it was racist. Then he and I discussed what racist was and why calling it an Indian burn is racist. Later Elise told Tesla she gave her an Indian burn.
Carter: Elise, don't call it that, it's racist!
Elise: Okay, Tesla, I gave you a racist.
Carter: No, calling it an Indian burn is racist. Call it a sunburn.
Elise: Then what's a racist?

The kids were supposed to be picking up but were just tattling on each other and whining. Ty told me maybe we needed to send them to military school, just joking. Elise overheard him and told Carter that we were sending them to Gnarly Darly school and she didn't want to go!

Elise has been saying bro a lot. It's pretty funny to hear her call grown adults bro.