Thursday, October 15, 2020

Wordless Wednesday

I set up a yoga mat and a pillow to read in the backyard and Carter took my spot over.
Camping at Tall Chief Cove with friends.

The kids had a blast with these balls made of glow sticks.

The kids were so worn out they fell asleep on the way home.

Carter found a small frog.

Elise waiting her turn to read around the campfire.
Carter reading Captain Underpants by the campfire.

Playing a game to practice counting and review vocabulary.

Book walk at the playground with Oma and Opa.
Walked by the window and saw Carter outside reading.

Playing in the tree in Oma and Opa's front yard.
S'mores in Oma and Opa's backyard.

Carter reading in our bed with Tesla as a pillow while I got ready.


  1. The camping trip looked like a lot of fun! Elise did a good job on the monkey bars, very impressive. I took a picture out the same window of Carter outside by himself reading!

    1. So funny! He was cute out there reading by himself.
