Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Wordless Wednesday


Decorating a Dough It Yourself box from Hurts Donuts.

Elise's Scholastics News magazines have been about apples so we cut an apple to see the star inside and then painted with them to practice the color names in Spanish.

Carter's sweet science teacher let him share his habitats page he made while we were at the zoo during their Zoom Meeting.
We found a chrysalis on our walk to the school.

Playing at the playground and Tesla pulled on her leash to get to me and then climbed up like this.
The best part of my morning runs is watching the sunrise!

Elise drawing what the caterpillars looked like when we got them.
In Carter's science class they talked about the wetland habitat so we went to check one out. Elise was all scientist!

This is how Elise dresses when it's 60* out in the morning and she wants to jump on the trampoline.
New Halloween pajamas from Oma an Opa

Elise ready to go on a run with me.
Carter riding his bike while I ran.

Elise wanted to write a book outside.
Elise named this caterpillar "Lunatic".

Making caramel apples

Carter wanted to make his own eggs for breakfast. He did it all by himself and even made them green.

I was so proud of Elise, I went to the bathroom and when I came back she was following along and doing what her teacher told her to in her language notebook!
Carter's hamster, Katie, turned white for winter early. She's changing back now and looks like a panda because her fur around her eyes changed first.

My pretty Halloween decorations!
One of Elise's vocabulary words this week is oficina so we ate lunch with Ty in his office and practiced saying the word while we were there.

Elise's tablet was out of battery so Carter told her he would share his. When I came in he was watching her play on his tablet.
Pumpkin Patch fun in Sand Springs.

Elise got to see an oveja which is another one of her vocabulary words of the week.

Elise came in and told me she made a ghost costume.
Decorating pumpkins with stickers from Oma and Opa.


  1. Really cute pictures at the pumpkin patch.

  2. I didn't get to watch the videos earlier. Their PE lesson was adorable! And Carter did great on the monkey bars.

    1. It was so cute! When Carter has PE, Elise always wants to do his lesson with him. Then she does it again when it's her lesson. I was shocked Carter did the monkey bars! It was the first time he's gone the entire way across since he broke his arm!
