Monday, November 18, 2019

Funny Stuff the Kids Say

"Can we pick something out of the treasure box and make it?" Carter meant our recipe box.

Ty took the kids to get their flu shots. Elise wanted to get her shot first. When Carter asked her why, she said, "Because I don't like listening to you cry."

Elise was playing with Carter's Magic 8 Ball, saying, "Hey Sherry," meaning, "Hey Siri." It was so cute!

Elise was playing with a toy phone and would say, "Hey, trunk monkey, come out." My mom showed her the old trunk monkey commercials on YouTube. If you haven't seen them, you should check them out!

Carter and Thomas were talking about "The Nightmare Before Christmas".
Carter: Jack wants to be Santa because he loves Christmas.
Thomas: Yeah, who doesn't love Christmas?
Elise: The Grinch!

"I love everyone, even robbers. I don't like their attitude, but I love them." -Carter

Elise: I'm telling daddy you said that!
Carter: What's he going to do?
Elise: Nuffing but I'm still gonna tell him! as she ran down the hall

Elise wanted to play kids.
Elise: Come on, kid, let's go to mommy's room.
Me: Just a minute, I'll finish my coffee and then be in.
Elise: Do you tell mommy just a minute?
Me: I can.
Elise: No, you can't!

We were listening to NPR on the way home from school and they were discussing the impeachment inquiry.
"They are still talking about this phone call on the radio?!" -Carter

"I'm not scared of ghosts, even if they're real!" -Elise

Elise likes to mix things together and say she's doing an experiment but she says, "experient."

"I love you so much! Even when you're dead!" -Elise

Here's a taste of what life is like with Elise, a conversation in the car...
Elise: I'm sorry to say this mommy, I want fruit snacks.
Me: I planned ahead, look what I have. I pulled fruit snacks out of my bag.
Elise: Garumph, I don't like that!
Me: You don't like me having what you want?
Elise: Yes!

I got new boots and was showing them off to the kids. Later when I walked into the room, Elise said, "Look at our fancy mommy!"

We walked outside to leaves all over the ground. Elise said, "Is it fall today?!" Then she got all excited and said, "I just saw a leaf fall!"

"We are practicing our songs so we don't get on stage and have a wreck." -Elise about music class practicing for their music program.

"I'm assessed with Angry Birds." -Carter, meaning obsessed

"Did you know at school you have to raise your hand? Because you don't want to arupt the teacher, but I never arupt the teacher." -Elise

Elise: Do you like sneakers?
Me: Yes
Elise: What are they?
Me: They are a kind of shoes, like tennis shoes.
Elise: No, to eat. Ms. Kathaleen likes to eat sneakers.
Me: Snickers?
Elise: Oh,yes, Snickers!

"Carter doesn't know to treasure me because I'm special." -Elise

Another day in my life with Elise...
Me: Have you brushed your teeth yet, Elise?
Elise: No, will you get me my toothbrush?
Me: No, you need to brush your teeth in the bathroom so you don't get toothpaste all over your bed.
Elise: WOW, you're really, really mean mommy!