Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Beer vs Wine Virtual 5k

My mom thought this race sounded like fun so she signed us all up. I picked wine over beer and I really like the tech shirt. I didn't really have a plan for this race other than running it as more of a tempo since I hadn't been doing any speedwork or anything fast. We were at a pumpkin patch all day (breathing in hay) and when I went for my run that evening I decided I wanted to run fast so decided to do this race. My breathing wasn't the best after being around hay most of the day, but my legs felt good going faster. It probably wasn't my best decision, but I had fun so we'll call it a win. I didn't really have any hopes or expectations for the race. I ran it on October 13th and didn't really think of it as a race so totally forgot to even make a post about it until I referenced it in my next virtual 5k race report. I figured I'd go ahead and do a little post about it.

I didn't really plan to do this race until I was out running and felt like going fast. Had I planned it, I probably wouldn't have gone with the course I did which had a few hills and a couple spots where I had to slow down for traffic as I crossed the street. I don't like having to slow down or stop for races, so this course wasn't great for that. I ran the first mile in 7:06 and felt like I wasn't running fast but also couldn't really speed up. My 2nd mile had a long incline and I ran it in 7:24. I was a bit surprised it was so much slower because it didn't feel that slow but I also had a couple spots where I had to slow down for traffic which made it hard to get back down to speed. The last mile had a nice downhill and I cruised to a 6:58 last mile and 6:45 pace for my finishing kick. I finished in 22:17, an average of 7:09 pace which I felt like wasn't too shabby considering the conditions and that it was my first tempo of the season. I was surprised that my time was 1st overall male or female. I just checked again to see if any new times have been added and I'm still 1st overall.

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