Sunday, April 11, 2021

Funny Stuff the Kids Say

I can't remember if I've ever recorded this before or not, but Elise calls robins, "robber birds".

Elise one day: I'm never spending my money so I can be rich when I grow up.
Elise the following day: Here's $2, can you buy me these gem stones on my tablet game?

Carter: I went to get the book on my tablet, but it said, "get this title," and I thought it would only be the cover. But I tried anyway and it was the whole book!

We needed to work on school work in the car, but Elise was eating a snack.
Me: !Mas rapido, Elise!
Elise: I can't rush myself!

On our Grand Canyon trip we were in a small parking lot and a car came in and semi blocked us in. Ty said, "This is an interesting puzzle we've found ourselves in, sir." It cracked me up because I was in a similar situation the day before trying to get out of the hospital parking lot after dropping him off and my words for the cars trying to slam through was much less kind.

We were talking about getting a motel for the night and Elise looked up in the back seat distraught and said, "I don't remember eating dinner yet!"

The kids were helping me with my puzzle. The whole time Carter was making jokes saying, "This puzzle is so puzzling," and "I am so puzzled!" Finally Elise said, "You are going to grow up to be like Opa!"

We were on a walk and Elise saw the above pile of twigs and branches. She said, "Oh my gosh, they have a beaver den?!" 

"Mommy, remember, you can have a hug or a kiss anytime you want, you just have to ask." -Carter

The kids were making pancakes for breakfast. They felt very big because I let them flip the pancakes and everything. Carter said, "This restaurant is called, chefs can be any size!"

Carter and Elise's conversation the night before their 1st day back at school in-person.
Carter: Are you excited to go to real school tomorrow?
Elise: Yeah, I guess.
Carter: I am so excited.
Elise: But I'd rather stay at home with mommy.
Carter: Read school is 100% more fun than school at home with mommy.
Elise: Okay, I guess I'm excited. I believe you. Will you wake me up tomorrow when you get up?
Carter: Ooooh, I don't know, I might get in trouble.

The first week back to in-person school Carter sang every morning as he got dressed for school, "Can't wait for another awesome day at school!"

Me: Believe it or not, I say things for a reason.
Elise: Yeah, like maybe a kid didn't listen to their mommy and ended up killed.

Carter wanted to go to the doughnut shop that he described as the chicken doughnut place. I couldn't for the life of me figure it out. Eventually I realized he meant Daylight Doughnuts because they have a rooster on their sign.

Elise was putting her Mario Legos together all by herself and I forgot how old she was for a minute! I was totally thinking she was still 5.
Me: Wow, Elise, that looks great! And that package said for 6+!
Elise: Well, I'm 6!
Me: Oh my gosh, you're right, you are 6 now!

One morning Carter didn't want to go brush his teeth because he was so sure Elise was hiding somewhere and was going to jump out at him. It turned out she was just in her room quietly putting makeup on. When she came out he said, "She was just putting on makeup, you know that clown stuff?!"


  1. Chefs can be any size kitchen! That's why Ty is so much fun, comments like that. And robber birds, I'll have to remember that when I see robins.

    1. Her calling them robber birds never fails to crack me up!
