Friday, February 12, 2021

Funny Stuff the Kids Say

I've been trying to upload photos to the blog for Wordless Wednesday for days and cannot get them to upload. Something is wrong with my NEW computer where it is constantly kicking me off the internet so I think that's the issue. Once we get that fixed, I hope to get the pictures up. Hopefully I'll be able to just do a double Wordless Wednesday this coming week! Until then, enjoy the funny things the kids have said lately.

My phone was ringing and I looked at my watch and then ignored it.
Carter: Who is it?
Me: It says Spam Risk.
Elise: Do you know Spam?

Elise: Remember on Christmas Eve when Carter was scared to sing with me?
Carter: We shall never talk of that again!

Elise: Tesla, I'm gonna kick you in the weasel! Mommy, what's a weasel, like a private?
Me: No, it's an animal and something you call someone when they're being sneaky or naughty.
Elise: What is the private one?
Me: Do you mean weiner?

Carter: Dragons are now my favorite mythical creature.
Elise: Wait, dragons aren't real?!
Carter: No, they're not real. You thought they were?
Elise: Yeah, so they aren't real?
Carter: No. That's funny you thought they were real. It's like how Uncie Taco thought narwhals were fake. How did Uncie Taco thinking narwhals weren't real turn into them being his favorite animal?

"Why do I not have such cute eyes but then in a Zoom Meeting I have such cute eyes?" -Elise

"Everything got cold out there! My privates, inside of my nose, my legs. Everything. EVERYTHING!" -Elise, after playing outside in 9* feels like temperature

"I do not like being sick. When I was sick I almost slapped my face because I hated being sick so much!" -Elise

Elise: How big are hadas? Elise's letter of the week was Hh and hadas are fairies in Spanish.
Me: Usually they are really small in stories, but they're not real. They are just pretend.
Elise: Then who takes our teeth?
Whoopsie on my part, haha!


  1. Very funny! I really enjoy these. Computer problems are so annoying, aren't they?

    1. Yes! It’s still not fixed. Ty worked on it for quite a while and hoped the issue was taken care of, but it’s still doing it. He’s pretty annoyed!
