Thursday, November 19, 2020

Wordless Thursday

This break for my sanity brought to you by Scholastic News Online! 

Carter and Elise both loved these books. It was so cute seeing them lay there reading together.

Carter painting a Christmas ornament from Dollar Tree.

The kids helping Ty install some cabinets in the garage he got from a scrapped job at work.

The kids chatting with Oma and Opa.
Carter at his Boy Scouts meeting.

Elise did such a great job making this pattern block turkey.
Side by side distance learning.

Elise's letra for the week was T. We made tiburon (shark) hats and made a backdrop to perform the  Tiburon Bebe (Baby Shark) song.

They have both done such a wonderful job with distance learning. It is hard some days, but it is worth it.


  1. I like both videos of the shark. I felt bad that Elise felt like she did it wrong. Their hats are great, I liked their background and her dress is still a favorite of mine. Tesla is such a good dog for them. She's so good laying there by them no matter what happens.

    1. Yep and just hanging out with the shark hat on after he put it on her!
