Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Wordless Wednesday

Elise made Tesla pretty.

She left everything on until I realized she was still wearing it and took it off for her.
We've been taking a walk every day and Elise started taking her stroller with babies in it each day. Then she decided to take her Belle cart and Carter said it was embarrassing.
But when she got too hot and tired he pushed it home for her.

When your librarian is awesome and gives you a bag so you can take home all your pine cones!
Carrying lunches home from the school.
Just hanging out reading in Elise's bed.
Elise asked me to take a picture of her.
Carter looked through their recipe book and wanted to make a peanut butter fruit dip.

Elise with her special "banana split" we made with the peanut butter fruit dip.

The kids with their first ever personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut! They earned it through the Book It Program!

Posing with the giant Magna Blocks tower they made!
She made herself a snack at Uncie Taco's house while I was taking care of the dogs.
Watching Zuma dig in Thomas' backyard.
She wanted to try out sitting in Carter's seat on the way home since Carter stayed home with Ty.
Elise showed Carter the Reese's spread Thomas had and they both made toast with it.
She wanted a picture with the flower in her hair.
Went to vote in the primaries.


  1. Very cute pictures, as always. Tesla is such a good girl. I really liked Carter's experiment. You could see the bubbles as the water went into the jar. You could also really tell his nose was blowing up the balloon.

    1. That balloon nose thing cracked me up. It was not at all what I was expecting when he asked me to look at him.
