Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Funny Stuff

"I'm so lucky. I found a June bug and 2 pennies!" -Elise

"When we get in the car, can you turn on cold blast?" -Elise

Carter spilled his snow cone and said, "The only bad thing about that is it got in my shoes and it's cold."

"Daddy's always grouchy in the morning." -Carter

Carter to Opa: Your mustaches are turning white. I mean your eyebrows.

Carter: What are those things that turn digital money into real money?
Me: ATMs?

We read "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas". It had a very sad ending and the kids really didn't like it. Some of the things Elise said when we finished the book:
"That book doesn't deserve a single star. It doesn't even get a circle that a star would go in."
"Can I throw the book away?"
"That author should go to jail."

At the Children's Museum in the maker's section with nails and hammers and Elise said, "They're worried about those little kids hurting themselves, but I'm like a professional."

"Cocomelon is the richest Youtuber and all their videos are dumb babies doing normal stuff." -Elise

"That would be good for a grave." -Elise while looking at artwork in the art museum
The artwork that would be good for a grave.

"I'm gonna get dressed, pet some kitties, and eat some danish!" -Elise when she walked into my room first thing in the morning.

Elise: Hey, mommy!
Me: Yes?
Long Silence
Elise: I'm hot.
Me: Okay
Elise: I forgot what I was going to say. And then I thought, oh, it's hot. So I just said, "I'm hot."

Me: This is 2015.
Elise: Oh, so I was dead?

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