Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Wordless Wednesday

Playing in the sand at the Gathering Place.

Tesla must've had a busy afternoon playing with all these toys.
The kids spent around 2 hours building stuff for and playing with their hamsters.

Carter fell on a rock in the backyard and we ended up at Urgent Care.

It looked pretty good after it got glued.
Carter is always reading!

Walked in and saw Carter reading like this while doing abs so Elise jumped up by him to try it out.

Elise was asleep. Ty and I were talking about picking up Dairy Queen and when Elise heard she popped awake right away.

Moving a garden box at Ty's grandma's house.

Elise fell asleep in the car on the way home from Ty's parents' house.
Tesla was driving Ty crazy by getting on the futon and messing up all the covers. I put a dog bed by the futon and problem solved, she's such a good girl!

I ordered a second set of track and car with my birthday money so the kids each had one to play with. They had so much fun playing with them all afternoon.

Reading their books we picked up on our way home from the library.
Groovy Joe, Thelma the Unicorn, and Nibbles are all favorite books around here.
Elise asked me to take this picture but I don't remember why, something about the shape of her banana bar.
They painted a mask on the Golden Driller!

Playing in the garden after a family lunch picnic.

This melts my hearts like a million times over every time I see it!
Carter and Katie

Carter wearing car track while video chatting to Oma on his tablet.
The kids decking Tesla out with car track.
Carter ready to ride the mechanical shark.

Touching the shrimp at the aquarium.

Elise wasn't tall enough to ride the shark so she got to feed the turtles.
They were so excited to see the otters.

Elise couldn't see so Carter picked her up.
Who was more into the movie, Carter or Tesla?

Carter made pizza crackers for Elise and himself for lunch.

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