Monday, August 17, 2020

Hope Isn't Canceled Fun Run

My mom signed us up for this race. In our race packets we all got new masks which were really nice and for every race entry they purchased a meal for a worker on the frontline. You can still register through September 30th if you are interested, just visit their website here. Elise was really excited to run the fun run but Carter wasn't quite as excited. We talked about where to do it and Carter wanted to run to Sonic and get special drinks after our run. Sonic is almost exactly a mile from our house with sidewalks almost the entire way so that was perfect! Since I have the app we get half-priced drinks at any time of day. We decided to do it right before lunch so Ty could stop by and pick us up on his way home for lunch. We decided to do it the day we did (August 4th) because we had a cold snap and it was in the 70's. Since it was so cool Tesla got to run with us too which was wonderful!

We all took off together and Elise was pacing herself off Carter. Then he started walking and she took off on her own. I was impressed she was consistently running around 9:00 pace the whole time. I asked her to walk for a bit so Carter could catch up. Once he caught up, she took off again and averaged 8:15 pace until I had her stop to wait for him before crossing the street. She sat waiting on him and yawned, it was so cute and I cracked up when I realized I got a picture of it. We ended up making it to Sonic in 9:57. The distance was 0.9 miles so it was 10:56 pace, not bad considering we walked a few times!

After this I decided Carter needed some real shoes to run in. I ordered him some shoes from Kohl's with some Kohl's cash I had. Hopefully he will enjoy the next fun run a bit more if he isn't wearing crocs. He insists running in crocs is fine, but I can't imagine it feels good! We are running our Virtual Aquarium Run Fun Run tomorrow morning so I figured I'd better get a post up about this one first!
Finished with our run and waiting for our drink order.

Enjoying their drinks!


  1. Poor little flat-footed guy. Your pictures are great!

    1. I think for him now, it's just that he doesn't really like running and that's fine by me.
