Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Wordless Wednesday


Human cake for Tesla's birthday party.

Milo got to try the doggy cake.

Otis tried it but isn't a fan of anything but cat food.

Telsa's doggy cake for her birthday!

Tinkerfest with Girl Scouts, they got to make balloon cars.

Elise had free dress for spring pictures and tried on multiple options.

Friends and Family night at Elise's school.

I took the day off work to dissect a shark with Elise at school. It was awesome! Ours was pregnant with 2 babies.


  1. Sock ball looks like a lot of fun. I can't believe Milo was afraid of the horse, he's not afraid of anything. Of course, Jax was terrified.

    1. I'd say he was more cautious than scared. I feel like if we'd given it a few more minutes, he would have slapped at it, haha!
