Easter this year was a little bit more back to normal than last year. My mom, Ty, and I all got our 2nd dose of the Pfizer vaccine the Friday before Easter. Everyone else had gotten their first dose, except the kids. I was exhausted on Saturday and did a few things but ended up laying around, napping, and resting most of the day. Luckily Ty had no side effects from the vaccine and was able to take care of things. I felt somewhat better by the evening so we dyed eggs together then. I was a bit bummed I missed out on the cascarones making. Carter's teachers made cascarones with them in class and he really wanted to make them at home so Ty helped the kids make some on Saturday. You take the yolk and egg white out of the shell through a small hole in the top. Then you wash out the shells and let them dry. Once they are dry you fill them with confetti and then glue tissue paper over the hole. Breaking one over someone's head is supposed to be good luck.

Sunday morning the kids were super excited to see their Easter baskets from the Easter Bunny and enjoyed an indoor egg hunt left by the Easter Bunny. Carter wrote a note to the Easter Bunny and was excited to see the responses she left. The kids took a bath while I headed out for a run and when I got back they put on their special Easter outfits. Mom and Dad came after lunch and we did some egg hunts with them. We each had a specific color egg and they'd hide one egg for each of us. Whoever found their egg first got a prize. The kids also had fun using their cascarones with everyone. Carter played with his new Mario Legos with Oma. Elise wanted to ride her bike with Oma and Opa but told Opa not to let go so he just ran along with her the whole time. The following day she wanted me to do it with her and I just let go and didn't tell her. She didn't ever realize she was riding on her own and there was no going back after that!

We had a ham dinner with cherries, cheesy potatoes, green beans, deviled eggs, pineapple salad, and home made bread. It was so delicious! We hung out in the backyard wearing masks. When we ate we each had our own separate table. The kids decided to put their table up in the fort so they wouldn't have to worry about the dogs trying to get to their food. I especially enjoyed the food because the day before one of my side effects of the vaccine was feeling nauseous so I didn't eat much. I was super hungry for Easter dinner!

It's so nice that the vaccine is allowing us to get a bit back to normal. It was fun seeing my family this year! Last year we were on our own for Easter which felt a little weird. We dropped Easter baskets with goodies off on Jeremy and Thomas' porches. We just missed seeing Rocky and Leina. Once Rocky is fully vaccinated, we look forward to getting to see them. With the kids in school and us living far enough apart a day visit is a bit of a stretch, we haven't gotten to see them as much as we'd like. Though we did get to combine Elise's birthday with Easter when we saw them in March at a "half way" point with is really about 1.5 hours for us and 2.5 for them. Read about past Easters here:
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