Monday, December 30, 2019

Fall Reading

Now that it's officially winter, I figured it was time to go ahead and post our favorite books from this fall. Read past lists here: 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, and 2013.

Favorite Books This Fall:
  • Do Pigs Have Stripes? by Melanie Walsh- This book was super cute. On each page it would show a small part of an animal and say, does a _____ have ______. Then on the next page it would say, no, but a _____ does. Elise loved the book and we read it over and over. Then she started reading it and was so proud that she could read it. It was adorable.
  • Don't Blink by Amy Krouse Rosenthal- This was a cute interactive book where the owl tried to keep you from blinking. Elise would blink on every page and then just laugh and laugh. It was adorable!
  • My Friend Maggie by Hannah E. Harrison- This was the sweetest book. It was about a girl whose best friend, Maggie, was being bullied. Instead of sticking up for her, she joined in with the other kids. Then those kids later turned on her and started bullying her and her friend, Maggie, came to her rescue. It was so surprising and wonderful. It started a great conversation about being a good friend and how you should be a good friend even when someone isn't being a good friend to you. The bully was a cute, little dog. Elise hated that the bully was a dog and said she couldn't be a bully because she was cute. That opened up a conversation about how bullies don't look different from other people and just because someone is cute, doesn't mean they are nice. Elise was still adamant that the dog wasn't a bully, but she is 4, haha!
  • Maybe Tomorrow? by Charlotte Agell- This book was about carrying around sadness and how sharing the sadness with a friend won't make it go away but can make it lighter or easier to carry. It was such a beautiful illustration for children, especially those encountering grief. I am adding it so I can remember it for the future.
  • Earth! My First 4.54 Billion Years by Stacy McAnulty- Carter loved this book and was excited to read the other books in the series. It was really cute and super interesting. There was also a book about the moon and a book about the sun. He loved all of them and we read them multiple times each.
  • Ice Boy by David Ezra Stein- The kids enjoyed this one but it's on here because of me. I loved how it taught about the water cycle in a really fun way. I want to remember it for when I teach about the water cycle again
  • Dog Man series by Dav Pilkey- Carter's teacher started him on this series in Spanish, Hombre Perro, and he absolutely loves it! It can be a little bit odd at times, but anything that gets him to read for 2 hours straight is a win in my book! He prefers reading them in Spanish because it's easier to figure out tricky words but he's getting really good at reading them in English too. Carter got a box set of 4 of the books from his Uncie Taco for Christmas and we got him the others through book orders and the book fair and he is so excited he has them all! I think he's a couple short of the full set in Spanish but has them all in English.
  • Fly Guy series by Tedd Arnold- Elise adores these books. Every time we go to the library she picks out at least 2 of these books. I think we've read all of them and a bunch of times each. I'm getting a little tired of reading them but she never tires of them. We got her a set of them through a Scholastic order for Christmas and she always picks them to read.
  • Otto series by David Milgrim- Early on in the fall these were a favorite of Carter's because they were super easy to read. Then Elise got really into them. We got a set of them for Carter for Christmas but by the time Christmas rolled around, his reading ability was way beyond these so we decided to give them to Elise instead. She thinks they are hilarious.

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