This week was the most exciting week since finding out we were pregnant because we got to find out the sex of our baby! We are having a baby girl! For some reason I've thought all along we were having a girl and would accidentally say things like, "She's kicking again." Part of me thought I had that feeling because I kind of wanted it to be a girl. But my momma's intuition was right again!
October 28, 2014
Baby's Size:
Baby is the size of an onion and should measure about 5 inches long. She can move her joints and is developing sweat glands.
Weight Gain: When I weighed in this morning to see I'm up 4 pounds, meaning I gained a pound this week, I immediately felt stressed out. I thought to myself, it's too early to be gaining a pound a week! Ah, I'm going to gain so much weight. But then I stopped to think about it and I have 23 weeks left to go. If I gain a pound every week from here on out that's a total weight gain of 27 pounds. I'm totally okay with that. I gained 25 pounds with Carter and he was born 4 weeks early, so I'm sure if I'd gone the full 40 weeks I would've been closer to 30 pounds. It is exciting to be gaining more weight in the sense that my belly is really starting to pop! Unlike with Carter, this time I've been getting comments on my cute little bump. With Carter at this point people were still telling me I didn't look pregnant!
Maternity Clothes: One of Ty's co-workers gave him a bag full of maternity clothes for me and my mom bought a huge bag of clothes from a garage sale. It was so exciting to hang them in the closet and take down some of the tight fitting shirts that make me look pudgy. I'm still wearing my jeans unbuttoned and not zipped up. My maternity jeans are a little big because I read online to get a size up from what you normally wear so they never fit when I was pregnant with Carter, they would slide down in the back. I might replace them this time, but I have a feeling I'll just deal with the frustration again.
Sleep: I was so exhausted this week. I couldn't get enough sleep and kept missing out on naps which was a rough combination! Sleeping with the body pillow has been nice and is really the only way I can keep from rolling over onto my stomach.
Symptoms: Still having dry heaves most days in the morning but have even had them a few evenings as well. The exhaustion has been serious! I would almost say worse than my 1st trimester exhaustion, but I have a feeling my memory of how tired I was then has just faded a little bit. I've also had hives off and on for 2 weeks. They are mostly just on my legs. Talking about it with a few people I've decided they are most likely psychosomatic and are due to stress. I've also had headaches and even had a 2-day long migraine this week. Back pain kicked in on Sunday evening and I was bummed out. It seemed so early to be having back pain, but then I thought about when I first started having back pain with Carter and remembered it was around 12 or 13 weeks. So actually my back held out for longer this time around! I finally started a consistent schedule with my planks and I think that will help with the back pain. Strengthening my core really helped me when I was pregnant with Carter.
Running: This week was tough and running was no different. I took Monday off because I was exhausted and then ended up taking Wednesday and Thursday off because of my migraine. I ran again on Friday and it was terrible. Then Saturday we ran a 5k race which went better than expected after my abysmal week of training. I was able to run a 24:03 and place 2nd in my age group which I considered a win, especially because I was dry heaving during my warm-up. It was actually pretty funny because I was warming up with Jeremy and said, "Being pregnant is..." and started dry heaving. He thought I was saying being pregnant is pukey and was making a point by making throw up sounds, but I really was dry heaving. I had planned to run an easy run Sunday, but was exhausted and ended up just walking some. So my weekly mileage was a piddly 10 miles.
Food Cravings: Dairy is still the main one. I am always wanting cheese and milk. I've been enjoying hot chocolate with whipped cream as a sweet treat or dessert rather than something with more sugar.
Food Aversions: Still barbeque and smoked meat, yuck!
Movement: I am loving how mobile our sweet, little girl is! She is constantly on the move and anytime I sit down I feel her just moving away! Ty hasn't tried feeling her in a few days and I don't think it will be much longer before he can put his hand on my stomach and feel her. She has such strong movements compared to what I felt with Carter in the very beginning!
Best Moment of the Week: Finding out the sex of our baby! It really does make everything more real to be able to picture a boy or girl. I was trying to convince Ty that we should wait until birth to find out the sex if we have a 3rd baby, but now I'm not so sure I would want to wait. It is so much fun to picture the baby and start preparing everything!
Currently Loving: Starting some very small steps toward moving Carter over to his big boy room and getting the nursery ready. I moved Carter's clothes that are too big for him into the closet in his big boy room and pulled out the size markers, newborn through 6 months, that I'd put away and hung them back up in the nursery closet. I also moved over the small pink hangers a co-worker gave me when I was pregnant with Carter in case we had a girl (and we used until we acquired enough gender neutral hangers to switch him over from pink). I have already washed a few newborn clothes I bought at a garage sale and hung them on the pink hangers. Then I went through Carter's newborn, 0-3 month, 3 month, and 6 month clothes. I pulled out all the gender neutral clothes and the pieces I felt like we could get by with on a girl and washed them. I know it's really early to do that, but I was just so excited!!!
All the newborn through 6 month gender neutral/I don't care it looks boyish clothes along with a couple girl outfits we were given at the reveal party. |
Miss Anything: I missed feeling rested this week. I think next week will be better!
What Big Brother is Up to This Week:
Carter got to open the box at the gender reveal. It was so much fun to find out he's having a baby sister! He still likes to point at the ultrasound pictures and say baby. He also still points to his own belly when we ask him where the baby is. Soon enough he'll notice my growing belly! He had so much fun playing with Hayden at the gender reveal. They are so cute together! He also won the group costume contest with Ty at a 5k this weekend when he dressed as an engineer and rode in his stroller made up to look like a train. This week during our photo session Carter decided he wanted to erase the chalkboard with his foot, lol!
My Week 17 Bumpdate with Carter.