Carter has been especially precious and loving lately. Now that he understands the purpose of hugs and kisses it means even more to receive them. Monday I was sitting on the floor sorting laundry when Carter came over, crouched down on his haunches, and stared into my face. I turned to look at him and see what he was doing and he planted a big kiss right on my lips. The puckered lip kiss which he only does on occasion. Usually it's a leaned in head, flat lips kind of deal with possibly a bit of slobber. He had been sitting there waiting for me to turn so he could kiss me. It was the sweetest thing. I can't even describe how my heart felt. Instantly I began laughing and told him what a sweet boy he was as he took off, but then I sat and began to tear up. The first moment I saw him I was so in love with him and it blows my mind how much more I love him today. I swear I love him more every day. I'm not even sure how that's possible.
Such a sweet little guy! |
Then we went for a run in the rain. Thank goodness for our fabulous
BOB rain cover! Toward the end of our run it stopped raining, so I pulled the back of the rain shield up so I could see Carter. He was so excited to see me he reached his hand up over his head, toward me, so he could hold my hand. I reached in and grabbed his hand. He giggled excitedly and held my hand for the remainder of the run. I felt so loved and although it was difficult to push the stroller with one hand and hold his hand with the other, it made my day even better! I wanted to get a picture, but that just wasn't feasible.
When we got home I was cold and wet so I decided to go ahead and shower instead of waiting until nap time. When I do that I shut Harper out of Ty and my bedroom while shutting Carter in. The shower curtain in our master bath is clear (I thought Ty was ridiculous when he insisted on having it, but it has come in so handy in situations like these) so I can watch Carter while I shower. When he gets where I can't see him, I just call him and he comes running in to check in with me. The only trouble I've ever had was when I called him and he didn't come so I ran out of the shower, soaking everything, only to have him open the closet door, say "boo" and laugh. This day he chose to play with the cabinets in the bathroom, opening and closing the doors. He is normally very careful, but accidentally slammed a finger this time. He came to me, I pulled his clothes off, and lifted him into the shower with me. He instantly stopped crying and then his body melted into mine. He wrapped his arm around my neck and twirled his hand into my hair. I was pretty impressed with myself that I conditioned my hair and shaved my legs all while holding him and only using one arm. I ended up taking a really long shower because he was snuggling so sweetly. I couldn't help but think just a month ago I would have been teaching writing at that time of day. I love teaching writing. It has come to be one of my favorite subjects to teach, tied with math and reading, which honestly I just love teaching in general. But as much as I love teaching writing, snuggling Carter in the shower is so much better. I am thankful for that opportunity every single day.
Snuggles are the best! |
Then as I was getting dressed I looked over and Carter was on the floor beside Harper with his arm around her neck hugging her. Their relationship continues to change and is evolving into the sweetest little friendship. Harper later rewarded him by licking his face when he was crying in an attempt to cheer him up. Each time I see them being sweet to each other I melt. Sometimes I'm standing right there and other times I have my back turned and I swear Harper is sneaking love licks quickly so I won't notice how much she loves Carter.
This boy loves his dog! |
Yesterday we were at the park playing. A 5 and a half year old boy showed up and decided Carter was a blast to play with. Carter was following the boy and trying to do everything he did. The little boy was climbing up a ladder and Carter was behind him attempting to climb up the ladder. The boy slipped and as he fell accidentally kicked Carter. He turned to me and said, "How is he so brave? He can't do it and he just keeps trying even though I kicked him." I stopped to think about it and it's so true. Carter rarely cries, he rarely gives up. He is a tough cookie and he works hard. Later Carter reached out for the boy to help him walk up a step and the boy took his hand and held his hand for a while as they played. It was another moment that warmed my heart.

Those little moments that go by so quickly, but are so unexpected, are what I live for. They are the moments that get me to put the camera down. To really be present in the moment rather than documenting the moment for Ty, for the future, for family. Because why take a picture when I can experience the moment, really be a part of it, be present, and bask in the glow of these gifts I have. This perfect baby. That sweet dog. My amazing husband. I may not have pictures of what happened, but I will always remember how I felt in that moment. The way my heart melted. How I wasn't sure if I would laugh or cry because I was so happy and felt so loved. The moments that melt me are what life is all about. And I feel so lucky and thankful that I now have the opportunity to experience them all throughout my day!