Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Wordless Wednesday

I missed last Wednesday because we were at Sequoyah State Park so there are lots of pictures today!

Tesla moved off her bed onto Carter because she was scared of the thunder.

Elise and I wore our matching kindergarten class shirts for the last day.

Doughnuts for the last day of school.

Showing that his bear claw was almost as big as his head.

A kindergartener in the class I subbed in the last day of school drew a picture of me. She got the color of my clothes down and everything!

Picking strawberries at Gigi's house.

Kinley loved being in charge of the strawberry bucket!

Kinley wanted to fish like this but when she'd try to reel, it kept banging into the dock.

The kids wanted to go explore. Wyatt yelled back, "Tell me if you catch a fish!"

Exploring together. Wyatt and Kinley both disliked the tall grass.

Ty and Paul caught a fish at the same time and Paul joked his would be bigger, it was not.

This is how little Ty's fish was, but it was bigger than Paul's, haha!

I took a blanket in case Kinley got tired and wanted to lay down. We ended up having a little break on there.

They found a spider.

Kinley started to fall asleep but then someone caught a fish and she was back up to check it out.

Elise laid across me like this because Carter and Kinley were both snuggling me. She stayed after they got up so I had Carter take a picture.

Carter also took a picture of Kinley.

She rocked Wyatt to sleep.

Leina made an igloo with things frozen inside for the kids to chip at.

Fun game with pool noodles.

It was quiet and we wondered what Elise and Kinley were doing in the garage. Found them blowing bubbles together.

Trying out the cake they baked with Gma.

You can tell what a fun-filled and busy visit we had by what Elise looked like on our drive home!

Elise wanted to hang out in the cabin so she and I spent most of the morning coloring and doing puzzles while Carter was at Camp OSP.

I finally got her to go on a hike later and we checked out the Fitness Trail.

Trying out the equipment on the trail.

We did our nails. Elise insisted on doing her own so hers ended up falling off.

Eating dinner outside to enjoy our view.

Bike ride on the peninsula at Sequoyah State Park.

Elise wanted to pose for some pictures with that gorgeous background on the peninsula at Sequoyah State Park.

The picture of the kids was so pretty, I decided to try to get a picture of all of us with that background. I was unsuccessful.

Carter took this picture of me and Elise.

I was reading while the kids played at the playground and it started sprinkling so Carter came running to shield my book from the rain. I told him it was okay because it wasn't a library book!

The second day of Carter's camp we went to leave and the car wouldn't start because the battery was dead. They were awesome and came to pick Carter up while I looked for someone to jump the van. Then Elise and I drove into Wagoner and had the battery tested. It was a good thing we did because it was bad. Elise asked for this picture outside Autozone.

The pool at the lodge was so nice! Elise insisted on swimming even though it was only 71*. Since no one else was out swimming (I wonder why) she was desperate for me to get in and play with her. Um, no thank you! I did get in about half-way up my shins but that was my limit.

We went fishing twice but she lost interest pretty quickly. This probably wasn't the best spot because she kept getting her hook stuck on rocks. I must've put my phone into the cupholder of my camping chair weird because while I was helping her unstick her hook my watch vibrated to say I had an active call. I looked down and it was to 911. They were nice about it, but I was mortified!

I sent Ty a picture to give him a hard time that his fishing backpack strap went right across my chest and was super uncomfortable. He responded that it was Carter's backpack, that would explain it, haha!

Elise got tired on our hike so Carter gave her a piggy back ride.

Enjoying the reptile show during a family event at Sequoyah State Park.

They did family events each day of camp and the kids really loved the reptile event.

Holding a bull snake.

Holding a juvenile black rat snake.

Elise was mad that it was Carter's turn to sleep in the middle so she laid like this at the foot of the bed crying. She was hoping Carter would give in and let her have the middle but he never did.

I moved her legs once she fell asleep and then pulled her up to the head of the bed and covered her up before I went to sleep.

Fun cup at Ty and my hotel in Arkansas for the War Eagle Trail Running Festival.

Oma and the kids walking home from Jeremy's house.

This is what they do when the kids aren't home.

We made a lunch date out of going to vote.

Tesla's first sno cone, it was just the ice.

First sno cones of the summer!

Elise loves feeding Pappy.


  1. Looks like a great time all around. And very cute videos.

    1. It was a heck of a couple weeks to have to do together in one post. There were SO MANY pictures and videos!
