Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Wordless Wednesday

Elise sitting up straight and tall for her art lesson. 

Elise had a blast with this box our Petco order came in.

Elise has seriously been having a blast with this box.

Carter found another use for Tesla, arm rest.

Enjoying the Pinwheels of Hope at The Gathering Place.

Went to the zoo for a field trip since Carter is talking about habitats in science.

My little scientist noting animals that live in different habitats.

Flamingoes for Opa!
Elise wanted to take a picture of me for Opa.

We splurged and they each got their own cotton candy, they acted like it was Christmas!

When Carter was in kindergarten he got to go on a field trip to pick apples at Livesay Orchards so I decided to take the kids for Elise's "field trip".

They each picked an apple and I washed it for them to eat. Carter said it was the "richest" apple he'd ever eaten!


  1. The pinwheels of hope were great! They were really spinning for Carter. PE on cement with no shoes, ouch. Did her skin get tender at all? She can almost do a jumping jack.

    1. They were amazing! It was so beautiful to walk through them. Her feet must be tough because nothing seems to bother them.
