Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Wordless Wednesday


Smashing acorns at the playground to make squirrel soup.

Pushing her puppy on the swing.

Trying some plum crumble I made with all the plums we got in our school lunches.
Carter told me since he can read, he'd like to make cookies all by himself. He asked me to go in the other room so I did, but told him I needed to supervise the use of the oven. He did a great job! His first time making a recipe all on his own.

Enjoying the gardens at Gilcrease.

We found Battleship at a garage sale and have really enjoyed playing it! Although Carter has yet to ever complete and entire game!
I'm so glad Ty captured this sweet moment. Elise decided she wanted Tesla to have her own chair so she moved over onto my lap.

Jammy day but she still has to have her purse!

Science area is ready to go for distance learning starting on Monday.
Our calendar is all set up for distance learning to begin on Monday.

Writing area is all set up and has been utilized already.
Reading corner/book nook for distance learning.

Drawing time with Oma and Opa.
Couch snuggles with dogs are the best!

The kids wanted to do some practice school work at their table when they saw everything I set up for distance learning.
Carter testing out the reading area/book nook.

This boy sure loves to read!
Using his new drawing book from Oma and Opa.

Tesla seemed really into the book until she saw me taking a picture.


  1. Very nice set up for distance learning. I like the pictures of Elise with the heron, very cute. I thought it was great Carter wanted to make cookies by himself. He said they weren't that good, but I don't believe him.

    1. They had nuts in them so that's probably why he didn't like them all that much. They were from the Hagrid's Rock Cakes mix we got from the library.
